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Ok, perhaps some of our LEOs or armchair traffic cops can make me smarter


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you cannot pass on the right if there is no lane there and if its at a cross road. if its a t-interesction then you can as long as you dont go off the road way and its safe. if there is a accident caused by someone passing on the right at a standard 4 way intersection they will get sighted for it.

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Break it down:

You cannot leave the roadway to pass on the right.

If the roadway is wide enough for you to pass on the right of a left-turner ahead of you (that means *without* going on the curb, crossing the white line on the right or leaving the paved surface and putting your right wheels in the gravel) then you may pass on the right.

A left-turner will always be blamed first when they are in an accident with an oncoming car. Factors that would shift the blame onto the oncoming car (such as them running a red light, leaving the roadway to pass on the right etc) are extremely difficult to prove. Even running a red light is a matter of judgement for the officer - I've known officers who will ticket the left turner even with a witness agrees the oncoming car ran a red light because the oncoming car still "close enough to constitute an immediate hazard"

OP: In an accident you would be blamed unless you can prove they left the roadway. Good luck with that.

(This is why I have a dashcam on my car and on my bike)

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Illegal to change lanes within 100 feet ( before & after ) an intersection.

Could you quote me the ORC for that. I thought that was true but I can't find the actual code.

Illegal to pass a vehicle turning from a single-laned intersection.

Not illegal, as we have etablished above, if the lane is wide enough for the passing car to complete the pass without leaving the lane.

A motorbike could easily pass a left-turning car ahead of him without leaving the roadway in many intersections.

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Happens to me at several intersections on my commute, makes me fucking want to spit nails when they do it. Totally, utterly, against the law but being in the right isn't comforting when you're about to get t-boned by a 5,000lb cage driven by an inner city idiot without insurance.

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Could you quote me the ORC for that. I thought that was true but I can't find the actual code.

Not illegal, as we have etablished above, if the lane is wide enough for the passing car to complete the pass without leaving the lane.

A motorbike could easily pass a left-turning car ahead of him without leaving the roadway in many intersections.

I can't find it either, in state or city code.

I wonder if bike passing in single lane is lane splitting, but I don't find any rules in state or city for that either. I do see some strange loop holes on bikes passing bikes...

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I can't find it either, in state or city code.

I wonder if bike passing in single lane is lane splitting, but I don't find any rules in state or city for that either. I do see some strange loop holes on bikes passing bikes...

Seems to me that it should be illegal to pass a moving bike in the same lane.

I won't pass a moving bike in the same lane - if he's like me then he'll be using the whole lane as dictated by conditions so he could suddenly changes sides on the lane without warning. I give bikes as much room as cars.

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I believe you to be in the clear. The guy broke the continuing lane to go around someone.

Think of it like this. if you were actually traveling n in a north and south intersection, this guy is heading west sitting behind someone in a east and west traffic. he breaks the lane in the intersection as you are traveling through and he catches your truck with his bumper because he could not see you. Completely his fault, do to the fact you have the right of way in this situation.

In your current situation you would still have the right of way as long as the car in front of him was not already moving through the intersection. Basically if he did hit you the cop should sight him for unassured cleared distance and failure to control for breaking his lane and then causing the accident.

just my thoughts

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