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Video shows motorcyclist on Triumph Daytona 675 almost crushed between cars


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Dallas, Texas



Getting rear-ended is usually a minor annoyance in a car, but on a motorcycle it's a worst-case scenario. Still, it could have ended much worse for this Texas man nearly crushed between two cars on a Dallas freeway. Amazingly, he survived. According to one report, 25-year-old Zacharie Perez suffered a ruptured spleen, torn muscles, a fractured rib and four fractured vertebrae and may need surgery to repair a hernia, after his Triumph Daytona 675 was rammed by a driver with no licence and no insurance. Apparently the driver behind him never even hit his brakes.

Ultimately, Perez was lucky; being tossed into the next lane, instead of getting fully sandwiched between the two cars, saved his life.

Link to video since I can't embed flash: http://www.dallasnews.com/video/featured/?bcid=917647895001
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Did anyone else see the video of a motorcyclist getting rear ended on Good Morning America today?

Dude got thrown over the front end and into the trunk of the car ahead of him. How he did not get smashed between the cars is a mystery! This all happened on the highway and looked nasty! If my wife sees this video my bikes will have for sale signs before the week is out.

Haven't had time to find the video and post it here. (help please)

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This is why we must always ride like we are invisible... most of the time, it's the truth.

Keep aware of your surroundings at all times.

If this is the same guy from the today show this morning, his fiancee made him quit riding, gave him the old "it's me or the bike" ultimatum.

My answer to any female who gives me that shit.... seeya! Riding is more important than your ultimatums.

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It looks like even the biker wasn't prepared for the traffic ahead of him slowing. Looking closer at the video it appears that the rider locked up his rear and smoke can be seen from the back of the bike before he gets rear ended. Still no excuse for some taco folding retard to get behind the wheel of a car with no license or insurance. He'll get out of any real punishment because he's not a U.S. citizen and just get deported back to Mexico.

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Looking closer at the video it appears that the rider locked up his rear and smoke can be seen from the back of the bike before he gets rear ended.

in this case, he definitely should have been checking his mirrors...:nono:

nobody follows me that close on the bike... period

i like to think i'd have been between the white truck and that black/dark blue car.

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There was plenty of distance between the bike and the car that hit him. Looks as though the car that hit him wasn't paying attention and didn't see the traffic coming to a stop, until it was too late.

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Anytime i'm in heavy traffic like that, and i get on the brakes hard enough to even think about locking a wheel, I split the lane.

Did it just yesterday on I-77. I would much rather clip the side of a car, than be hit from behind.

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in this case, he definitely should have been checking his mirrors...:nono:

nobody follows me that close on the bike... period

i like to think i'd have been between the white truck and that black/dark blue car.

EXACTLY!! Anytime I've got to bury the brakes on my bike, I'm concious of what/who is in front of me so I know where I can go if I run out of space as well as watching my mirrors CLOSELY for any possibility of an ass-pack in the making.......He definitely didn't plan his escape route very well - I'm sure he was panicking when he locked up the brakes on the bike, looked like he let off and got back on 'em so he did well in keeping it upright........until........at least he's ok and hopefully this hard lesson will be one learned by him.

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Glad I'm not the only one who thought the rider should have had an escape route.

Looked to me like he locked up his rear tire pretty much immediately, so he (along with everyone else) was following much too closely for the speed they were traveling.

Of course the guy who never braked bears the brunt of the blame here, but the rider could have swerved into the median and probably avoided this. Yeah hindsight is 20/20, but it took me exactly ONE close-call in traffic to always be thinking about where I'd go in a worst case scenario. that's one more time than it should have taken. I was an idiot when I first started riding... Now I'm a more experienced idiot.

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