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Ninja 250 experience


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Anybody have any?

Neighboor kid just picked up an '05 Ninja 250 with about 4000 miles.

The idle is all over the place. I tried to set it for him a few times with the motor warm. The idle still hunts in the 1,100-2,200 range. If you rev it the idle hangs around 3k for a few seconds then gradually drops.

Is this a trouble spot for Ninja 250s? Dirty carbs or out of sync?

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It could be a lot of things, any info about it while riding? I would suggest getting the service manual and just taking it apart to both clean it and check all the tubes. Since it is a 250 designed for a new rider, it could easily be just dirty from improper winter prep or vacuum tubes could be improperly connected etc. If you can't get it with the idle adjustment screw then again, I would just take it apart and check all the t's are crossed and i's are dotted

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The throttle cable was jacked up. At full steering lock the the motor would rev. It looked like someone tried to adjust the idle by adjusting tension onto the throttle cable. I adjusted the cable to have the proper amount of play. Even with that corrected, the idle won't stabilize.

It seems to run and accelerate ok, but I've never ridden another Ninjette to compare it to.

I told the kid to get a bottle of Gumout then run a few tanks of gas through it and see if it's any better.

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it's his first bike. he won't know any better. If it rides and runs okay, wait until next March to really get in there and clean the carbs...

Unless you have a free weekend, and think he won't be itching to ride :)

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You got it, I fixed up a '93 250 and I had that issue and it was the throttle cable routing. When I replaced all the cables, I didn't route them properly and at lock it would rev to the moon and stick when the bars went back to straight.

Plus the carbs do need cleaning. The pilots in that motor are tiny and get clogged up easy. I had to clean them after sitting every winter, even with using Stabil.

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My Buddies 84 VFR has a similar problem. We can get the bike running. Thanks to me completely redoing his fuel lines for him. But once it starts and you try to turn the choke off the bike stalls out. If your running the bike and go to make a stop it does the same. I have Cleaned his carbs, Adjusted the idle, and bought new fuel lines and re ran them all. Still same problem...

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actually, Pauly's got a 250 in his garage right now. If I remember right, it used to belong to his wife. The point being that Pauly's got a decent amount of experience working on that particular bike, and it might be even easier for him than most.

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from playing with mine and a couple buddies 250's this happens when you adjust the idle to the right point then rev the engine, when you rev it after adjusting it will stay high for about 5 seconds or so then drop a bit but stays around 3000 rpm. to fix it you have to adjust it a tiny bit then rev the engine and see where it falls and keep doing it until you get the right idle, if you dont rev between adjusts it will seem like it is not really doing anything and you will turn the knob way too much. im not sure why it does this but i have adjusted mine and a buddies 250 by doing the little by little adjustments and reving in between and got the to idle around 1800 rpms which IMO is perfect for these bikes.

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Run the shit out of it for a couple tanks of gas, then re-evaluate. When mine sits for a couple months, it acts that way. I run it for a while Couple hundred miles, at least) and re-adjust, then it's all good!

  Bluezx6r said:
My Buddies 84 VFR has a similar problem. We can get the bike running. Thanks to me completely redoing his fuel lines for him. But once it starts and you try to turn the choke off the bike stalls out. If your running the bike and go to make a stop it does the same. I have Cleaned his carbs, Adjusted the idle, and bought new fuel lines and re ran them all. Still same problem...

Different beast all around! It sounds like the VF (VFR started in 86) needs the carbs cleaned and sync'd. I have a VF500, and I have been through this! :lol:

  jstumpalump150 said:
from playing with mine and a couple buddies 250's this happens when you adjust the idle to the right point then rev the engine, when you rev it after adjusting it will stay high for about 5 seconds or so then drop a bit but stays around 3000 rpm. to fix it you have to adjust it a tiny bit then rev the engine and see where it falls and keep doing it until you get the right idle, if you dont rev between adjusts it will seem like it is not really doing anything and you will turn the knob way too much. im not sure why it does this but i have adjusted mine and a buddies 250 by doing the little by little adjustments and reving in between and got the to idle around 1800 rpms which IMO is perfect for these bikes.

This issue sounds a bit different, more like it needs the pilot screws tweaked. I think a RPM hang is is rich, I can't remember for sure.

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  Tpoppa said:
Anybody have any?

Neighboor kid just picked up an '05 Ninja 250 with about 4000 miles.

The idle is all over the place. I tried to set it for him a few times with the motor warm. The idle still hunts in the 1,100-2,200 range. If you rev it the idle hangs around 3k for a few seconds then gradually drops.

Is this a trouble spot for Ninja 250s? Dirty carbs or out of sync?

I agree with everyone else. Sounds like the carbs are out of sync. Especially since the RPMs hang and then drop down slowly after you rev the engine.

  Bluezx6r said:
My Buddies 84 VFR has a similar problem. We can get the bike running. Thanks to me completely redoing his fuel lines for him. But once it starts and you try to turn the choke off the bike stalls out. If your running the bike and go to make a stop it does the same. I have Cleaned his carbs, Adjusted the idle, and bought new fuel lines and re ran them all. Still same problem...

It might be getting to much air. I just sold a KZ440 that does/did the same thing. An extra piece of filter foam sorted it all out.

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