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F'in snakes.... blah!


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Most dangerous snake ive encountered was a water moccasin down in portsmouth. i was prolly like 10 or so and was minnow fishin with a bucket, boy did i drop that bucket and run like hell.

Was probably just a nothern water snake very unlikely it was a water moccasin in Ohio

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I hate 'em too, but I leave the non-poisonous ones around. They eat other bad stuff.

A couple years ago I opened my garage door to get the bike out, and I saw something drop out of the rafters. I almost didn't see it; it was a brown snake, and he was intertwined in my air compressor hose... almost blended right in.

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I'm with you snakes are evil I hate them all. My wife didn't understand how bad I hate until we went camping in Indiana and there was a snake 1,000 ft from our campsite. I was going to pack up and leave she took a hammer and killed it. Now a friend of ours told her some stories about water mocassins now she dislikes snakes.

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Water moccasins (cottonmouth) are pretty rare in Ohio since they theoretically don't have a territory established here, and prefer a warmer climate. But occasionally found, and I'll guess found near railroad bridges, where they fall off of trains or something. Usually found no closer than the Indiana-Illinois-Kentucky border, along the Ohio river.

edit: water moccasins are not a treat when encountered. They are aggressive and can deliberately attack or chase people.

Timber rattlesnakes have an established territory in Northern Ohio and are a protected species there. There is also the Eastern Massauga Rattlesnake in Ohio. The third poisonous Ohio snake is the Northern Copperhead.

Northern Copperhead

Eastern Massauga

Timber Rattlesnake

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The scary thing is they have been finding that more and more rattlesnakes do not give a warning rattle and they are thinking it is due to humans killing them after hearing the rattle and the snakes are some how learning to not rattle

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Sounds like you are the vicious killer here. Snakes do a pretty good job of reducing pest problems and do not usually cause any problems.

I don't understand some of the phobias people have. In the US you are more likely to be killed by lightning than a snake, in Ohio much more, so given we have few poisonous snakes.

Let him live, he'll eat a few mice and rats and you probably won't see him again.


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Sounds like you are the vicious killer here.

YES I am. and picked up some cci bird shot for the single six tonight so I can be even more of one...

My fiance hates me for it. She used to work for the div of wildlife. She cant stand it.

I shot one at a bow shoot one day. Someone made a bet that I could not do it. One was coming down out of a tree at the half way point, The owner gave me a arrow and told me not to miss. I shot him right behind the head on the move. Those people looked at me and I just laughed. My fiance just looked at the owner and was like go figure.

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Humans are FAR more deadly than any snake that I have run into. Give a homo sapien a car and a cell-phone and that combo is more dangerous than the occasional black ratsnake encounter that you might have in Ohio. Props for almost shitting your pants over a harmless, beneficial reptile.

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