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Osama Bin Laden is dead


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I still dont believe it thanks to the reports that he was buried at sea.

But the news F ups were even better. The guy that took the cake was the FOX news guy that announced, to the world, President Obama is dead. Then the other yahoo that stated the leader of the Terrorist Obama bin laden was dead.

I was rolling.


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Damn... SEAL guys got him. My rifle was doped in!!!!!

Fist bump to the squids... Great hunting boys. Rum toast in hand.


Squids done did it.

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it's fake. obama is just trying to get re-elected...

where's the pictures?

where's the death cirtificate? the birthers will get them to release it... call trump!

I'm so fucking stupid I come up with anything like birthers and the tea party does....

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On April 29, Obama approved an operation to kill bin Laden. It was a mission that required surgical accuracy, even more precision than could be delivered by the government's sophisticated Predator drones. To execute it, Obama tapped a small contingent of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six and put them under the command of CIA Director Leon Panetta, whose analysts monitored the compound from afar.

Panetta was directly in charge of the team, a U.S. official said, and his conference room was transformed into a command center.

Details of exactly how the raid unfolded remain murky. But the al-Qaida courier, his brother and one of bin Laden's sons were killed. No Americans were injured. Senior administration officials will only say that bin Laden "resisted." And then the man behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil died from an American bullet to his head.

It was mid-afternoon in Virginia when Panetta and his team received word that bin Laden was dead. Cheers and applause broke out across the conference room.

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it's fake. obama is just trying to get re-elected...

where's the pictures?

where's the death cirtificate? the birthers will get them to release it... call trump!

I'm so fucking stupid I come up with anything like birthers and the tea party does....

nah, I think they have moved on to " this is just a distraction from the birth certificate" :wtf:

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