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Bush killed Bin Laden!!!!!


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did you guys see the pics from CNN that were from inside that "compound"?

that place was a scummy run down dump. here is someone supposedly with a lot of money and lives in a dump. it had no phone or internet access and was in seeing distance of a army base.

which is why they said the CIA is investigating if the pakastan gov really knew where osama was.

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did you guys see the pics from CNN that were from inside that "compound"?

that place was a scummy run down dump. here is someone supposedly with a lot of money and lives in a dump. it had no phone or internet access and was in seeing distance of a army base.

which is why they said the CIA is investigating if the pakastan gov really knew where osama was.

They knew their just playing dumb :nono:

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did you guys see the pics from CNN that were from inside that "compound"?

that place was a scummy run down dump. here is someone supposedly with a lot of money and lives in a dump. it had no phone or internet access and was in seeing distance of a army base.

which is why they said the CIA is investigating if the pakastan gov really knew where osama was.

Reuters has pictures of the inside of the place as well as pictures of the three other bodies that were shot...


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I wonder if bin Laden is still alive and being interrogated. We'd never know, we'd never hear or see Osama bin Laden ever again. A rich source of intel that would be hard to pass up, and easy to fake.

I was wondering about the dumpy look of that place also. But if a squad of Seals tossed the place looking for stuff, it's about what we'd expect. I heard they took out about 4 duffel bags of data. Plus several computers, a lot of hard drives, and a big box full of thumb drives.

edit: photos of the crashed Blackhawk in the courtyard.


I've read it was hit by an RPG while in flight. The photos also appear to show two different helicopter tail sections.

edit: actually, neither tail section looks exactly like a Blackhawk. It seems to be something else.

wiki: The 160th SOAR fly MH-47G Chinooks, A/MH-6M Little Birds, MH-60K Black Hawks and MH-60L Black Hawks.

None of which exactly match the parts. Who knows.

editedit: wait, here ya go. Bill Sweetman knows... unknown stealth helicopter.


Edited by ReconRat
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Oh hell NO the Great BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA killed him personally with his bare hands! All hail OBAMA!!!


that is more like the people who loved bush.

even making that picture proves it.

they guy did nothing but run up the dept but now all of a sudden it's a big issue with you guys. :rolleyes::wtf:

bush let osama escape from tora bora. he even admitted catching osama isn't a priority. is that a leader you wish for?

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No if you think Bush ran up the debt, what the heck has the savior Barrrack HUSSEIN Obama done?

Borrow Borrow Borrow

Spend Spend Spend

Violate the constitution by signing OBAMA CARE!

FYI I was not a Bush fan although I dearly miss him since we have a COMMUNIST in the office now!

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I have a game for your. For every section of the constitution that you can prove the health care act violates, I'll give you twice that many fro the PATRIOT ACT.

Did I say I was pro Patriot Act?


I say neither are constitutional

How do you like that answer?

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I wonder if bin Laden is still alive and being interrogated. We'd never know, we'd never hear or see Osama bin Laden ever again. A rich source of intel that would be hard to pass up, and easy to fake.

I was wondering about the dumpy look of that place also. But if a squad of Seals tossed the place looking for stuff, it's about what we'd expect. I heard they took out about 4 duffel bags of data. Plus several computers, a lot of hard drives, and a big box full of thumb drives.

edit: photos of the crashed Blackhawk in the courtyard.


I've read it was hit by an RPG while in flight. The photos also appear to show two different helicopter tail sections.

edit: actually, neither tail section looks exactly like a Blackhawk. It seems to be something else.

wiki: The 160th SOAR fly MH-47G Chinooks, A/MH-6M Little Birds, MH-60K Black Hawks and MH-60L Black Hawks.

None of which exactly match the parts. Who knows.

editedit: wait, here ya go. Bill Sweetman knows... unknown stealth helicopter.


I saw somewhere that it was 17C warmer than what they thought it would be, warmer = less lift and power and it entered a Vortex Ring State while transitioning from forward to vertical, causing a premature decent and the tail to hit the compound wall.

I can't wait to see this aircraft when the bring it out.

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