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Fast Five on YouTube - FULL movie

Steve Butters

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they signed 5 and 6 contracts together i believe, so 6th is a guarantee

not sure how theyre gonna play out that story line though...i was pretty sure she died lol...and if she didnt die, why did she never come back to him? and whats he gonna do with his new girl when he finds the old one?

cant wait to see it haha....probably be late next year if not the year after though

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4 is before 5....thats why theyre fugitives in 5 and why they mentioned the girl being dead.... the order is definitely 1, 2, 4, 5, 3...6 will be after 5 or 3, depends how they play it - but im assuming it will be right after 5 and probably have the asian guy again

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They're just wishing they never had to work around that shitty movie #3.

yep....they really fucked themselves

they also smashed the car in movie 5 that Dom was driving at the end of 3...im pretty sure they will never tie into 3 again, im assuming its going to be a loose end and forgotten about

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... notice how the guy that died came back lolllll

If you're referring to the Asian, its because Tokyo Drift is the last one in the timeline

Vince didn't die. He was in the 1st one and that was it. He just got his arm injured. Unless I'm having a brain fart.

I did wonder what ever happened to Vince's buddy in the first one. He just vanished after the 1st one.

as Brian Earl Spillner stated, it was a close range shotgun blast to the left flank...duh hes a police officer he would know!

As for the other dude I don't know his story regarding the movie but I know in real life he's the lead singer for a band called Operator and he happens to sound very much like Chris Cornell. I think his character ran its course with his one good line "Streets closed pizza boy"


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