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Apparently it won't lick itself...

Don't blow bubbles with it, it's not mayonaise....

You want an ipod?


WHAT..... IS.... THIS?

I'm glad I could bring the entertainment :D

Sorry I bounced on you guys. It's rare to run into someone who owns a hawk. And get this, hes an instructor at Nelson ledges. Free lessons :fingerscrossed:

its ok, I saw the excitement in your face. They asked me where you were and I said he found a Hawk owner, hes in his element now

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To elaborate on Mag's post.

We go to dinner at Champps and Pauly orders some froo froo pasta dish... and makes it clear he doesn't like tomatos... (after acosting the waitress about the freshness of the pasta)

Dishes arrive and there is a pile of some diced red items in the middle of his dish.... in UTTER disgust and in the most terrifying, yet effeminate voice says.

"WHAT.... IS..... THIS!?!" and points at the pile of peppers... it was sort of a "had to be there" but if you've ever met Pauly you can probably appreciate this.

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Sorry I bounced on you guys. It's rare to run into someone who owns a hawk. And get this, hes an instructor at Nelson ledges. Free lessons :fingerscrossed:

Thought the lessons were always free; you just have to buy the trackday.

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its ok, I saw the excitement in your face. They asked me where you were and I said he found a Hawk owner, hes in his element now

it was really odd for me, i've never seen a completely stock bike in person. i really wished i could have parked them side by side and snapped a pic.

when i walked back to my bike some dudes who looked to be 20ish asked me what year VFR it was. haha

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Why do people assume there is some magical quality about the track that makes you crash!?

If you can control a bike on the street, you can control one on a racetrack. No one is going to force you to go any faster than you would on the street, and all the same basic rules apply. Gas to speed up, brake to slow down. When in doubt, slow down. Pretty simple.

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Why do people assume there is some magical quality about the track that makes you crash!?

If you can control a bike on the street, you can control one on a racetrack. No one is going to force you to go any faster than you would on the street, and all the same basic rules apply. Gas to speed up, brake to slow down. When in doubt, slow down. Pretty simple.

i lack self control.

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Girls who don't appreciate or enjoy oral sex should NOT wear shirts that suggest otherwise...

i promise you she isn't bad like she suggests :D

Her: *miming a bj* I mean... I get bored

Tony: You want an ipod or something


Nice meeting you guys....you are some crazy mofos. :)

yea we always know how to have a good time. Clearly my new girl also likes to keep shit interesting :lol:

Edited by Bad324
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oh and heres a typical asshat sportbiker story that pissed me off big time

Were coming up the hill on Rockside towards McDonalds and the cops ALWAYS sit in that cemetary. My buddy got split up at a red light so I was doing about 25mph with my girl in her car behind me. I'm then sitting at the light of Rockside and 21 as the only bike there IN FRONT of the fucking cop in the cemetary drive. I go about 2 more lights to the next red and am sitting there and in my mirrors I see blue/red lights so I was hoping it wasnt my buddy trying to catch up getting nailed. I start to take off from the red light and next thing I know this asshole is running from the cops and misses me by about a foot doing some ungodly speed in a 35

At this point I then get 2 more lights up Rockside and the cop pulls up next to me and says "hey, so whered your buddy run to?"

MY reply "uh hes not my buddy and he got on the 77N ramp I think"

cop: "seriously, wheres your buddy running, he wont get away"

me: "again he isnt my buddy, he got on the ramp and did you clearly not pay attention enough that I was the only bike sitting in front of you at the light?"

cop: "so you're here alone? wheres your buddy?"

me: "hes on the fucking cruiser behind the semi 2 cars behind you, I almost get taken out by some asshole and your hassling me?"

at this point the light had well turned green and someone honked and the cop gets pissed, starts to blame it on the girl thats following me in her car and i just interrupted him and said shes with me, shes trying to get my attention. Mind you the horn doesn't work on her car. So he finally just ended up speeding away.

1) I don't understand how fucking retarded people are to speed anywhere within a 5 mile radius of QSL, especially on Canal, Rockside or 21. I've never NOT seen cops there

2) As some people already know, I genuinely respect and like cops but as a whole the Independence department is the absolute worst. This is the 3rd run in I've had with them when I didn't do a damn thing wrong yet I'm being hassled

3) Dude literally missed me by a foot, I wish I could've Road Rash'd that shit and put a bat in is god damn spokes. Fuckers like these are why my ass got profiled

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No, you got profiled because you're Mexican. You should've been in the kitchen at Champps, not out on your sport bike in Independence.

you cant tell I'm mexican with a helmet and dark shield....but I did have fajitas for dinner so he maybe smelled it on me. Damn them!

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