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Watch out, JRM will stab a mother fucker that makes fun of his bread.

And every time you look in the mirror at that scar on the side of your face, you'll remember.

I was pretty passionate about Beembo (phonetical spelling) until Wallyworld raised the price to $1.92/loaf, which makes it as expensive as the 35 cals/slice Nickel bakery bread I used to buy before Bimbo. I only switched because Wallyworld raised the price on the Nickel bread.

So, now it's a wash and I tend to defer back to Nickel because it's only 35 cals/slice vs. 60 cals/slice for Bimbo.

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And every time you look in the mirror at that scar on the side of your face, you'll remember.

I was pretty passionate about Beembo (phonetical spelling) until Wallyworld raised the price to $1.92/loaf, which makes it as expensive as the 35 cals/slice Nickel bakery bread I used to buy before Bimbo. I only switched because Wallyworld raised the price on the Nickel bread.

So, now it's a wash and I tend to defer back to Nickel because it's only 35 cals/slice vs. 60 cals/slice for Bimbo.

:wtf:A you sure your not Jewish

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i love loosely moraled wimminz and was hoping this would be along those lines. I've become predictable :o

I was going more along the lines of Bimbo being quite popular in Mexico. But, you know, whatever. ;)

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