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Secret Service Interrogates 7th Grader

Big Green Valley

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"A man walked in with a suit and glasses and he said he was part of the Secret Service," LaPinta said. "He told me it was because of a post I made that indicated I was a threat toward the President."

Seriously?? Actually he's a pretty smart kid to know that there may be people out there that will want to retaliate against Obama.

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I've heard two different versions of the post me made. In the story he says;

"I was saying how Osama was dead and for Obama to be careful because there could be suicide bombers," says LaPinta.

But the actual facebook posting that got the secret service riled up was:

"First order, suicide bomb Obama. Suck it!"


So now, if the secret service *didn't* follow up on that kind of posting then we'd give them hell if it actually went down.

Kid has a big mouth and deserved a visit from the Secret Service. Whether they are allowed to interview him without his mother is another matter. Maybe a staff member acted as the required "guardian", I dunno. As the remedy for violating interview procedure is typically to exclude evidence gained therein, and no evidence was actually gained, he has no apparent recourse. How about this: Don't threaten to kill the president, y'punk.

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