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He doesnt like gainful employment or ever plan an grandkids hugging him

Uh yeah...Face tattoos definitely make for some limitations later in life.

Probably some psychology involved in that kind of decision.

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I am a big fan of tattoos but with that being said i like to keep mine where the can easily be covered up by a T-shirt or shorts so I can get a real job some day lol, never understood the whole face tattoo thing to begin with they all look bad to me

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I think its about someone figuring out who they are. If thats who they feel they are,and they are comfortable with that, fine. Who knows maybe he's a very successful entrepreneur, with a slight bit of mental instability. Who knows. But just because someone goes get gets a facial tattoo, I don't think thats a reason to pass judgement on what kind of person they are.

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I don't have any ink right now but I've been thinking about this one tattoo design for about 10 years now.

My mother died on 2000, and the last words we spoke where when she was going in for the operation that failed to save her life. She jokingly asked if I was successful in life "because" of her in "in spite" of her. I did not answer her, uncomfortable with the poingant nature of the question.

The tattoo is going to be a photo-realistic rose (her name was Rose) with a long stem and 4 branches extending from the stem. Each branch represents one of her children. On each branch there will be a number of leaves representing her grandkids My branch would have one leaf representing my son. My older brother's branch would have 2 for his two kids, etc. Space will be left so that leaves can be added as more grandkids are born.

The stem will extend below the 4 branches, and there will be a vine with leaves that spirals around the stem but is not actually connected to the stem. This will represent the kids that were not hers but that she helped raise diring her many years working as the manager of a children's home.

Finally, there will be a banner across the stem, right under the the head of the rose that contains one word that I should have said to her before she died.


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I'm not one to simply cast judgement, and have some friends that would appear freakish by todays standards - but these friends of mine are some of ths nicest guys you'd meet and make their living in the tattoo industry - hell, I have a sleeve myself and get judged anytime its visible in public......yet, how can anyone assume who I am at a glance anyway - I learned growing up as a Lutheran that it is immoral to judge anyone, yet the members of most of the congregations I'd attended seemed to cast it whenever given the chance. Books by their covers! How unchristian - to sway opinion due to appearances, whether their appearance be self-inflicted or otherwise.....its truly wrong......and this is a major reason I quit participating in congregated worship, along with the understanding of paying a MAN to explain God's word to me when I can read for myself. Anywhoo, sorry for the brief rant - I just have to call a tater, a tater. I can understand WHY folks would question people like this and their moralty, but fighting thoughts like these are ways to being better people ourselves. Ghandi put it best when he said "I like your Christ, but I do not like your christians......they are so unlike your Christ"

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I don't have any ink right now but I've been thinking about this one tattoo design for about 10 years now.

My mother died on 2000, and the last words we spoke where when she was going in for the operation that failed to save her life. She jokingly asked if I was successful in life "because" of her in "in spite" of her. I did not answer her, uncomfortable with the poingant nature of the question.

The tattoo is going to be a photo-realistic rose (h

er name was Rose) with a long stem and 4 branches extending from the stem. Each branch represents one of her children. On each branch there will be a number of leaves representing her grandkids My branch would have one leaf representing my son. My older brother's branch would have 2 for his two kids, etc. Space will be left so that leaves can be added as more grandkids are born.

The stem will extend below the 4 branches, and there will be a vine with leaves that spirals around the stem but is not actually connected to the stem. This will represent the kids that were not hers but that she helped raise diring her many years working as the manager of a children's home.

Finally, there will be a banner across the stem, right under the the head of the rose that contains one word that I should have said to her before she died.


This is awesome, when someone realizes a life changing experience needs to represented for the rest of their life - thats what tattoo's SHOULD be - done for a reason, not to join a club or trying to look cool, but to be part of them for the time they live - kudo's to you for waiting on an idea that has meaning, and not just picking something that looks good!

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Im not judging people with crazy tattoos or face tattoos, there just not for me and scruit thats a good idea and if its something that means alot to you then you will never get sick of seeing it thats for sure

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  • 1 year later...
Back from the dead!

I'm going to get my tattoo as described above. I'm looking at getting it done at Sweet Baby Octane in Columbus. Anyone have any experiences with them?

I wish I could help but I'm in Dayton and I only know who and not to around here lol

Good luck and post pics when got it! ;)

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Awesome tattoo design. I have a lot of ink on me, not one piece was picked off the wall, all were designed by me and drawn by the artist, true original art. All of them mean something important to me but one....almost everyone has that one tattoo that they don't necessarily regret but maybe wouldn't get it done again. Most of my pieces are also unfinished....never enough time or money at the same time.

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