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My siberian Husky :(


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Well ive had her a few months now, but since i have school and work and i ride all the time, i want to put it out there too see if anyone with a farm or a big yard wants her... I love her but i feel bad havin her in a cage at all. I paid 500 dollars for her bought a big crate, bought an underground founce (not installed).

Shes a full bread husky and she is a good dog but if anyone wants her ill give you everything with her for like what 400 bucks? I just wanna get some of the money back i mean ive spent like 900 bucks on all her crap lol. Please dont respond to this unless you actually have time and space. Ill keep her if noone wants her but im sick of getting calls from people that want to breed :(. Thats the first question i get, is she fixeD? then CLICK. She is fixed and she is 9 months old. Name is sky.

Im willing to keep her and try my best i just want her to have room a field to run in. :(


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Having a dog is a big responsibility, the same as having a kid to me. You have a kid, you have to make time for it and can't just get rid of it when you decide you don't want it anymore. I'm not neccesarily saying that you are doing such but it really pisses me off when people get animals and then decide to just get rid of them. Is she a well trained dog where you could leave her out instead of sticking her in cage?

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Really?!?!?!? didn't you think of this before dropping all that money and taking on the responsibility of another life? My guess is all you thought about was how "Cool" you would be for having such a beautiful dog. So now, you are going move this dog to a new family, breaking the bonds that it has already started to form with you and hurting the dog for life. I hope for the dogs sake that you quickly find a new home for it with a Responsible master that will love it and care for it more then your shallow self-adsorb self ever could.

You sir are self-centered and childish!

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Maybe you should get off the internet so much starting all kinds of wars and battles with people and acting like a child, and spend time with her. I dunno just a thought.

All of madcats post is true, but this quote above is a great point that you should follow.

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You guys are fucking assholes. I do love her for fuck sake. I just want her to have a bigger field to run in, i have a nice house and a pretty big yard i take her out almost all day and take her to dog night at the park atleast 4 times a week. Im not trying to ditch responsiblity i just want her to have the best life she can have.

You think this is easy for me ?

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I adopted her because if i didnt she was going to be put down the next day, if you want to give someone shit call up the stupid place she was it dont give me a shit. I am trying my very best i do not need shit from you guys.

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You guys are fucking assholes. I do love her for fuck sake. I just want her to have a bigger field to run in, i have a nice house and a pretty big yard i take her out almost all day and take her to dog night at the park atleast 4 times a week. Im not trying to ditch responsiblity i just want her to have the best life she can have.

You think this is easy for me ?

you made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

People are forming these opinions because of the way you have been. I completely agree with them because I've wanted a puppy for years but I don't have the best place for one and my job makes it a bit difficult as well so I've done the responsible thing and hold back until a better point in my life

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I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, work full-time, take 8 credit hours of college during week, wife that works, twin 16 month old boys and my dogs are happy and taken care of. Your problem is that you just put simple shit ahead of her. If you're so good to her, what else are you wanting for her? You wanting her to have the best life she can have sounds like a cop-out. Are you doing something that is preventing that or something?

Sorry, I just don't see the reason for you wanting to get rid of her if you say you take care of her well and spend time with her.

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I have a son, and work 45hrs a week.

I have a fenced in back year on 1/3 acre. I will take the dog if you can't find anyone, but I'm defintly not paying you.

There you go! A good home. If you truly care about it and really want him gone, then you have to take the loss. A good home for the dog and not for the money in your pocket.

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Going to have to agree with all that's been said and to top it off you want money for your poor choice??? God get over yourself and give the dog to someone that can give it the time and love it needs.

Huskies CAN'T be caged all the time, trust me I know. Mine is 8 years old and goes crazy if I don't get her out for a run at least once a day.

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You think this is easy for me ?

Yes, Yes I do. You find it easier than spending the time to train your dog, and working with her to where she does not need to be crated.

I still stand by my statement, you are self-centered and childish.

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You guys are fucking assholes. I do love her for fuck sake. I just want her to have a bigger field to run in, i have a nice house and a pretty big yard i take her out almost all day and take her to dog night at the park atleast 4 times a week. Im not trying to ditch responsiblity i just want her to have the best life she can have.

You think this is easy for me ?

I'm calling bullshit. If you in fact take her to the park 4 times a week, have a "pretty big yard" and she's out running around almost all day, then what is the problem? You want her to have a better life? No, you don't want to deal with her shit so you can post/ride more. If you wanted to keep her around, you would have installed the invisible fence that would allow you a little more "hands-off" time since she would have boundaries that you didn't have to enforce. Or, more likely, you read the instructions on the fence and saw it required pretty hands-on training which would interfere with your internet lifestyle.

If it's so hard for you, shut the computer down, man the fuck up, and enjoy your dog's company as much as she enjoys yours.

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...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.

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you made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

People are forming these opinions because of the way you have been. I completely agree with them because I've wanted a puppy for years but I don't have the best place for one and my job makes it a bit difficult as well so I've done the responsible thing and hold back until a better point in my life

Bingo, my mexitalian friend. I've wanted a dog of my own for some time, even though I inherited one from my girlfriend. Having two dogs at the house would be great for both of them, but due to my travel schedule I feel it wouldn't be fair to them, so I'm holding off.

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Shes a full bread husky

...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.

I call bullshit. A full breed puppy is worth money to any breeder, and they would not throw money away.

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...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.

Question? Where did you "adopted" her from for $500??? Petland??

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...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.

We do, but it's obvious she is a burden to you for some reason. Sounds like her home is great if you do all those things you said. Install the fucking fence, kill your internet life for awhile and know what it's like outside of the virtual world.

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...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.

Not going to give you shit but if your being honest about caring wanting her to have a good life go with carwhore. Chalk the money you spent up as a loss and maybe saving the dogs life will go in your good karma bank. Use it as a life lesson and move on.

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