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My siberian Husky :(


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sorry I know you didn't pay $500 for her at a kill shelter. They have low fees so they don't have to put dogs down.


For a purebred Husky that young, $500 is a pretty reasonable adoption fee IMHO.

Most rescues charge primarily to cover vet bills (of all the dogs, not just the one being adopted) and to prevent situations exactly like this one. $500 avoids adopting out to people who can't afford a dog, or think it's a good idea on a whim.

My wife is on the board of directors for Secondhand Mutts. There is no way in hell they are going to pay you for an owner surrender, but if you'd like help placing the dog in a great rescue program, PM me and I can see if they have space to take the dog. www.secondhandmutts.org has more info, but I think they'd be more inclined to take the dog if approached by someone they know. they're not wild about accepting owner surrenders.

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If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong.

Id like to see you guys piss away 1000 dollars.

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Actually ill do one better if money is no issue someone give me 900 bucks and then let the dog go to a good home? Oh wait no you guys wont because money is an issue...

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^ making others pay for YOUR poor judgment is a dick move. Mistakes have consequences. This one cost you $1k. I think you'er getting off cheap in the grand scheme of things. The dog is the one who is going to suffer.

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If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong.

no you're not wrong. You're just too dumb to face the reality of things

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If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong.

Id like to see you guys piss away 1000 dollars.

Try getting a DUI or going through a divorce.

OK, seriously, lulz have been had, now it's time for you to close down the browser and take Sky for a walk.

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If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong.

Id like to see you guys piss away 1000 dollars.

If I made a decison to care for a dog and realized I couldn't I WOULD piss away 1000 dollars to be sure my dog went to a good home. U MADE THE DECISION and U SHOULD DEAl WITH THE CONSEQUENCES!

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I adopted her because if i didnt she was going to be put down the next day, if you want to give someone shit call up the stupid place she was it dont give me a shit. I am trying my very best i do not need shit from you guys.

Bullshit your just trying to save face. If you love her so much you would not even think about giving her away for ohh 400 bucks? Trying to recoup your $900 and are acting like that is a lot. Shit my dogs cost 1600, another 500 for training, nueter and spaying, vet visits and getting my ass evicted which was over 2k. SO dont whine about money or the responsibility. YOU made the decision not the dog. Deal with it. Dumb ass.

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Just stop posting drama here if anyone is actually interested in the dog pm me. Im sick of cybernet battles.
I have a son, and work 45hrs a week.

I have a fenced in back year on 1/3 acre. I will take the dog if you can't find anyone, but I'm defintly not paying you.

PM carwhore!!!! Give him the dog, cut your losses.

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If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong.

Id like to see you guys piss away 1000 dollars.

See my post above. Pissed away couple more than that.

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I paid $150 for my pug and its the best dog ever.


Unforuntately due to the new job, Ive had to let my gf in texas care for my dog because of all my travel.

But we can make room for another dog. Ill give you a $100 for the husky.

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Just stop posting drama here if anyone is actually interested in the dog pm me. Im sick of cybernet battles.

Im not on here very often but everytime I get on your the catalyst for some cybernet battle and seem to just keep on starting them

just sayin

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Ill go 300 if the person can prove to me they have what it takes to give her a better life than she has with me... and im out of pm's so text me if your interested. 6142708617.

Please refrain from posting here about anything else i realize i am a catalyst for wars but if this keeps up i dont want to be responsible for WWIII

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