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OSU Coach Jim Tressel RESIGNS!


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Well, what about Clarett? JT said he spent more time with him than anyone else...and he claimed ignorance of that to. I guess JT had no idea then either.

Quit acting like Tressel is the anti-christ.

So your parents knew EVERYTHING you ever did growing up?

Yes I read the SI article, and I never said it was a hack job or a bad writer. What I did say, basically, was that ESPN and SI benefit more from scandal then they do from everything being normal. Remember when ESPN tried to start the Lebron James/Erik Spoelstra beef?

Of course Tressel is going to introduce players to boosters and alumni. He's the head coach of the football program! That's a part of the job. How many other players were introduced to that same booster? Did all of them start breaking the NCAA rule book? No.

According to the SI article:

Tressel had called Monus about arranging a job for Isaac.

Wait, what? A coach of a player trying to setup gainful employment for said player by calling and asking if any jobs were available?!? FOUL! Oh God! The inhumanity of it all! How dare Tressel be a reference on someone's resume!!!

nonscholarship student athletes were being illegally paid by the university's director of athletic development

Oh yes, I forgot. Jim Tressel is also responsible for the behavior of his boss.

On a Friday or Saturday night a dozen or more Buckeyes could be found in the large back room of the parlor.

Where was Tressel? How dare he not be hovering over his players shoulders every second of every minute of every day!

Furthermore, according to the SI article: 28 players over the last nine years are accused of trading memorabilia. But according to the sources in the article, it was only 10. Or 15. Or just Clarrett. Or just 1 or 2. No, wait: definitely 28.

I wasn't calling the guy a hack before, but I will now.

To break down how systemic and widespread the evil is: 28 players over the last nine years is about 3 players a year. Out of an organization of a hundred, that's 3%.

Basically 3% of all players at Ohio State are "bad apples." Which of course isn't a statistic that holds true in any situation at any program anywhere in the world. Oh how evil and hypocritical is Jim Tressel.

Ohio State's conclusion that only six players broke the rules is based in part on a list of the items the Department of Justice seized in raids of Fine Line Ink and Rife's home on May 1, 2010. But that list, which mentioned 42 football-related items that Rife bought, received or acquired in trades from players, covered only a small fraction of what he got from the Buckeyes, Ellis says.

Because the DOJ and FBI probably got it wrong. Thank God for the crack investigative squad at Sports Illustrated.

To cap it all off: Sports Illustrated informed Ohio State of the heinous wrongs Tressel had committed. BSports Illustrated is a concerned party in all this, they will in no way, shape or form monetarily benefit from smearing Jim Tressel. And if they do, I'm sure they've setup a fund that will help those poor boys cope with the trauma and recovery from being coached by such a heinous individual.


Edited by dorifto240
Not enough sarcasm
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As a Buckeye fan, you should be just as mad as Tressel for letting this go on. had this been Woody, he would've beat the shit out of Pryor for riding around in those cars or being late to practice, or selling that gear to get tats. PERIOD. JT let it happen, and according to SI and other coaches, he's been doing it for years.

Apparently you didn't read the Sports Illustrated article.

The legendary Hayes had a group of boosters -- initially called the Frontliners -- who scouted and courted recruits. There was also a Columbus car dealer who gave Hayes's players generous discounts in exchange for tickets to games.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/magazine/05/30/jim.tressel/index.html#ixzz1O2s1OY1V

Yeah, Hayes would have been kickin ass and chewin bubble gum...

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Who the fuck said JT was the anti christ? I said he is a hypocrite with a history of being a conduit for money men and looking the other way. He writes books about doing it the right way, but then tells everyone BUT the NCAA that his star player broke the rules. And then the AD puts on a JT pep rally press conference in March, hoping that everyone will just go away.

But no..JT is absolutely clueless about what was going on here, back in 2002 and at YSU. Sure. JT is the only one in Columbus then that didn't know what was going on.

Enjoy the homer goggles.

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Apparently you didn't read the Sports Illustrated article.

Yeah, Hayes would have been kickin ass and chewin bubble gum...

You know as well as I do, that this goes on across the country. What doesn't go on is players driving a bazillion different cars drawing obvious attention to themselves. So yeah, while Woody would have been introducing the kids to the money men, hey would've made sure no one was acting a fool like Pryor was.

I stand by my statement.

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You know as well as I do, that this goes on across the country. What doesn't go on is players driving a bazillion different cars drawing obvious attention to themselves. So yeah, while Woody would have been introducing the kids to the money men, hey would've made sure no one was acting a fool like Pryor was.

I stand by my statement.


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So your parents knew EVERYTHING you ever did growing up?

This analogy you seem to keep using, it does not mean what you think it means.

Player-coach relationships and interactions are subject to the rules of the NCAA. You know this walking in, you agree to be bound by them as a condition of your scholarship/inclusion in that activity. I'm sorry if that last part didn't sink in: YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM AS A CONDITION OF YOU PLAYING THAT SPORT.

Sure kids will be kids, and attempt to test the limits of those rules. Simple human nature. Actions also have consequences.

Also, Tressel was shitcanned because he LIED, and said lie was substantiated with evidence. Period. No grand conspiracy, no epic witch hunt from the NCAA.

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Again...I was a big fan of JT..and still would be if he wasn't passing himself and the program off as being above everyone else. The only problems I have with this whole thing is that JT lied, and the lie and coverup is worse than the crime. He should've come clean...and he didn't. And he can't use the excuse that he didn't know better because he has suspended players before. I also have a problem with people saying he fell on the sword for his players and the school. He got shitcanned because he lied and tried to cover it up. Had he told the truth...and YES...he KNEW the TRUTH, you would be talking a couple game suspension and some fines. Story over. No more digging. If OSU had hung onto JT, they would've been dragged down with him. That meants JT was bigger than the school, and you can't have that. I don't care how many times he beats Michigan. No one person is bigger than OSU football.

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Again...I was a big fan of JT..and still would be if he wasn't passing himself and the program off as being above everyone else. The only problems I have with this whole thing is that JT lied, and the lie and coverup is worse than the crime. He should've come clean...and he didn't. And he can't use the excuse that he didn't know better because he has suspended players before. I also have a problem with people saying he fell on the sword for his players and the school. He got shitcanned because he lied and tried to cover it up. Had he told the truth...and YES...he KNEW the TRUTH, you would be talking a couple game suspension and some fines. Story over. No more digging. If OSU had hung onto JT, they would've been dragged down with him. That meants JT was bigger than the school, and you can't have that. I don't care how many times he beats Michigan. No one person is bigger than OSU football.

So I assume that you have never broken a traffic law on your ZX-10R, and if you did, or someone that you ride with does, you will stop and call the local law enforcement to report it? You know the laws are there, you know what they are and how to abide by them, but I assume that you don’t always adhere to them or report it when you break them. So in turn you are setting up anyone that you ride with that may break a traffic law for future failure, and should come clean now and report them all, or understand that they make their own choices and wait until they get caught on their own. By calling JT a hypocrite you would give up the name of a fellow rider to law enforcement if asked about them breaking a law, or would you simply not comment and hope no one got caught?

Not exactly a 1 for 1 analogy but close enough.

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I swear to god, there are so many strawmen being thrown around in this thread it's insane.

No robhawk, that analogy isn't close enough. College football (and this can be argued for most/all high profile sports, pro or amateur) is about REPUTATION. It's not about what some dude does on his motorcycle, it's not about Inya, it's not even about YOU. It's about how the actions of one guy affected the reputation, and more importantly, the BRAND of Ohio State. Lying in public to blatant rules violations of the NCAA puts a black mark on the brand. Still can't figure it out and need an analogy that actually fits? Fine. If you stood outside the company you work for and told any of its customers complete fabrications about the type/quality/price of stuff they were buying, then those customers start complaining that the company is lying about their products, once the company finds out it's you they are going to shitcan your ass.

It's really not a hard thing to figure out.

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And I'm not defending him, just pointing out that we all do the same thing on some level.

We break the rules/laws and get caught we pay the piper. Like Nicklaus said, once you've been caught breaking the rules, the investigators start turning everything over looking for the tiniest infraction by anyone even remotely involved. Then they hammer you for it.

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So I assume that you have never broken a traffic law on your ZX-10R, and if you did, or someone that you ride with does, you will stop and call the local law enforcement to report it? You know the laws are there, you know what they are and how to abide by them, but I assume that you don’t always adhere to them or report it when you break them. So in turn you are setting up anyone that you ride with that may break a traffic law for future failure, and should come clean now and report them all, or understand that they make their own choices and wait until they get caught on their own. By calling JT a hypocrite you would give up the name of a fellow rider to law enforcement if asked about them breaking a law, or would you simply not comment and hope no one got caught?

Not exactly a 1 for 1 analogy but close enough.

That's not even remotely close to an accurate analogy.

I would be a hypocrite if I said in public, and after writing several books on the subject, that I obeyed ALL traffic laws and instructed other people on how to ride their bikes. Now, since this is a public forum, I'm going to say hypothetically, for the sake of this discussion, that is 100% opposite of what I do every day.

Now, say I go out and break some rules and get caught. Yup...it makes me human. It makes me guilty of making a mistake, and it makes me a hypocrite.

Now, lets say that in order to RIDE and OWN the bike, I sign something that says I must report all infractions that I see or know about and if I don't, my fellow ZX10 riders may have to pay fines. Now, let's say I get caught breaking the rules or I know of someone breaking the rules and I don't inform the BMV of my fellow speeders/law breakers. That makes me human, a hypocrite (because I told everyone that I was a righteous dude and I would never do something like this) AND a liar...AND it puts ALL ZX10 riders at risk (not just my fellow law breakers) because now they have to pay the price for my silence.

Me getting caught in the real world and not saying anything has absolutely nothing to do with JT's situation.

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Tressel has an expressed duty; imposed by the NCAA and agreed to by him, to report player misconduct. I would be shocked if his employment contract with Ohio State doesn't have a substantially identical clause.

There is no law requiring ordinary citizens to report any crime, other than the abuse of a minor child.

A more appropriate analogy would be if you were someone's supervisor at work, and were fired for failing to curb or report their misconduct. It's really not that unreasonable. That doesn't mean I think Tressel is to blame, but he's still legitimately responsible; at least in part.

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Inya's post #112 is a dead-on balls accurate analogy.

Well done, sir. +rep sent. :bow:

@Chris: The need to report infractions was in theVest's contract. Shoulda been fired 2 months ago.

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You know as well as I do, that this goes on across the country. What doesn't go on is players driving a bazillion different cars drawing obvious attention to themselves. So yeah, while Woody would have been introducing the kids to the money men, hey would've made sure no one was acting a fool like Pryor was.

I stand by my statement.

So your issue then is that Tressel let Pryor act like a fool? Or is it because he's hypocritical? Or is it because he's not Woody?

Connect whatever conspiracy dots you want to justify your complete condemnation of a man.

I hope you're as blind and unforgiving of yourself when you break a rule, or else you are as bad a hypocrite as you believe Tressel to be.

This analogy you seem to keep using, it does not mean what you think it means.

Player-coach relationships and interactions are subject to the rules of the NCAA. You know this walking in, you agree to be bound by them as a condition of your scholarship/inclusion in that activity. I'm sorry if that last part didn't sink in: YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM AS A CONDITION OF YOU PLAYING THAT SPORT.

Sure kids will be kids, and attempt to test the limits of those rules. Simple human nature. Actions also have consequences.

Also, Tressel was shitcanned because he LIED, and said lie was substantiated with evidence. Period. No grand conspiracy, no epic witch hunt from the NCAA.

Yes, in these situations there is a contract and I'm not disputing that Tressel is in violation of the contract. What I am questioning is the severity of the punishment, and the supposed connections that paint Tressel as much more "sinister."

I keep bringing up the parent analogy to highlight the concept of "in loco parentis." Tressel, the football program, and the Ohio State University are, in a very real way, acting in place of the parents. In that role, they make decisions and are responsible for the welfare of their students, in the same way a parent is. Those institutions can only be required to act in a prudent and reasonable manner, based upon the decisions that a parent or guardian would make in similar situations. Similarly, they can only be held legally accountable for what a good, reasonable parent would be held accountable for.

Tressel is being blamed, held responsible for, and being punished, for much more than what a good, reasonable parent or guardian would be responsible for. I'm not saying he isn't at fault for an NCAA violation, but I am again, saying the punishment is much more severe than the crime warrants. No parent is responsible for every action their children commit, or else the parents of the Columbine students would be in jail. With Tressel and the Ohio State University standing in place of parents: He shouldn't be held to any standard that is stricter than that.

No parent knows everything their children do. In the same way that a busy parents might not be aware of misbehavior or even minor criminal activity, a busy football coach could easily miss the minor NCAA infractions committed by a few players.

He probably should have alerted the athletic director, I'll give you that. That currently, is the only accusation that has merit. And one that Tressel has admitted to.

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So your issue then is that Tressel let Pryor act like a fool? Or is it because he's hypocritical? Or is it because he's not Woody?

Connect whatever conspiracy dots you want to justify your complete condemnation of a man.

I hope you're as blind and unforgiving of yourself when you break a rule, or else you are as bad a hypocrite as you believe Tressel to be.

Yes, in these situations there is a contract and I'm not disputing that Tressel is in violation of the contract. What I am questioning is the severity of the punishment, and the supposed connections that paint Tressel as much more "sinister."

I keep bringing up the parent analogy to highlight the concept of "in loco parentis." Tressel, the football program, and the Ohio State University are, in a very real way, acting in place of the parents. In that role, they make decisions and are responsible for the welfare of their students, in the same way a parent is. Those institutions can only be required to act in a prudent and reasonable manner, based upon the decisions that a parent or guardian would make in similar situations. Similarly, they can only be held legally accountable for what a good, reasonable parent would be held accountable for.

Tressel is being blamed, held responsible for, and being punished, for much more than what a good, reasonable parent or guardian would be responsible for. I'm not saying he isn't at fault for an NCAA violation, but I am again, saying the punishment is much more severe than the crime warrants. No parent is responsible for every action their children commit, or else the parents of the Columbine students would be in jail. With Tressel and the Ohio State University standing in place of parents: He shouldn't be held to any standard that is stricter than that.

No parent knows everything their children do. In the same way that a busy parents might not be aware of misbehavior or even minor criminal activity, a busy football coach could easily miss the minor NCAA infractions committed by a few players.

He probably should have alerted the athletic director, I'll give you that. That currently, is the only accusation that has merit. And one that Tressel has admitted to.


In loco parentis? Surrogate parenting? Seriously, that's your argument? I seriously want to buy you a beer for making me laugh so hard.

Here's the final, simple reason why JT got canned: He lied to the NCAA about student violations that he had knowledge of. He then proceeded to double-down on this by lying to the public about the same thing. Lying to the NCAA is a breach of his contract (he could be canned for that alone, but that alone, I agree, would have been excessive), but that PLUS lying to the public and tarnishing the OSU brand means he had to go.

That's it, and that's all. If you really, really want to cling to an analogy because contract law is so hard to get your head around, Inya pretty much nailed it above.

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In loco parentis? Surrogate parenting? Seriously, that's your argument? I seriously want to buy you a beer for making me laugh so hard.

Here's the final, simple reason why JT got canned: He lied to the NCAA about student violations that he had knowledge of. He then proceeded to double-down on this by lying to the public about the same thing. Lying to the NCAA is a breach of his contract (he could be canned for that alone, but that alone, I agree, would have been excessive), but that PLUS lying to the public and tarnishing the OSU brand means he had to go.

That's it, and that's all. If you really, really want to cling to an analogy because contract law is so hard to get your head around, Inya pretty much nailed it above.

Three things:

I never said he didn't violate his contract. But the punishment and backlash, does not fit the supposed crimes.

Secondly, he resigned.

Thirdly, the investigation is still ongoing, and no actual verdict has been delivered by the NCAA.

What I'm arguing is whether or not Tressel is so responsible for his players actions. According to the legal principle of "in loco parentis" he's not. Inya would have you believe Tressel should be responsible for every action and every moment, of every player. Not even parents are held to that standard. Why that is, I don't know; maybe Inya couldn't cut it under Tressel at YSU.

How many other players were introduced to alumni, boosters and others yet didn't take money or gifts? The majority of them. In fact the majority of the players haven't done anything wrong. Tressel isn't the lynch-pin of some shady network of white-collar criminals and immoral players like SI would have you believe.

The bottom line for Tressel? He lied. For whatever reason, he lied. Is that a violation of his contract? Yes. Does that warrant being run out on the rail? No. Especially given that Bobby Bowden was allowed to retire with all honor intact and Cam Newton was eligible, and able, to win the Heisman.

It is fitting that you would choose the less funny, less original of Matt Groening's cartoons.

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I get so sick of hearing...'oh it'll be ok....' while people try to smooth over serious issues. 'Oh he really didn't do anything so serious.....it'll be ok.....give him a break.' Horse crap. This all is a microcosm of why our society has strayed so far from the values that helped make America. I don't want to make this a referendum or anything, but cmon, after making a pretty serious error in judgement (by not informing anyone about what he found out) he built on that by continuing to lie about it. I'm with Cheech completely. Tress needed to go. And don't be fooled by the public 'resigning'. He was forced to resign, probably given the 'either or' by that idiot Gordon Gee. I hope they continue the investigation because I have a feeling both Gee and the AD might be implicated in this too with Tressel 'falling on the sword' to save the university any more embarrassment and punishment. But I don't think we'll ever know the whole truth now that they're are going after Pryor (and others?) about the car issues. Imho, look for Pryor to leave in the July supplemental draft. This kid was molded in the same casting as MClarrett and would serve OSU best by gtfo Columbus asap.

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Three things:

I never said he didn't violate his contract. But the punishment and backlash, does not fit the supposed crimes.

Secondly, he resigned.

Thirdly, the investigation is still ongoing, and no actual verdict has been delivered by the NCAA.

What I'm arguing is whether or not Tressel is so responsible for his players actions. According to the legal principle of "in loco parentis" he's not. Inya would have you believe Tressel should be responsible for every action and every moment, of every player. Not even parents are held to that standard. Why that is, I don't know; maybe Inya couldn't cut it under Tressel at YSU.

How many other players were introduced to alumni, boosters and others yet didn't take money or gifts? The majority of them. In fact the majority of the players haven't done anything wrong. Tressel isn't the lynch-pin of some shady network of white-collar criminals and immoral players like SI would have you believe.

The bottom line for Tressel? He lied. For whatever reason, he lied. Is that a violation of his contract? Yes. Does that warrant being run out on the rail? No. Especially given that Bobby Bowden was allowed to retire with all honor intact and Cam Newton was eligible, and able, to win the Heisman.

It is fitting that you would choose the less funny, less original of Matt Groening's cartoons.

You're seriously delusional if you read ANYTHING I've typed that says JT is responsible for everything his players did. You took something I typed (whatever that was) and ran with it because that was your only argument. Good luck with that.

JT KNEW about the rules being violated...and did nothing. He LIED to the NCAA and to the school. What don't you understand? My other point was that people are blaming Pryor for this whole incident and acting like JT knew nothing. This isn't Pryor's fault! It's been going on for years! Of course he shares blame, but so do a lot of athletes...going back to 2002! What part of that do you not understand?

And yeah, he resigned...but he was forced out. Do you really think for one second the school was going to stand behind him after he lied and the cover up? Really? You don't think for one second that the school said "Resign or we'll fire you"? If you don't believe that, then are you saying JT is bigger than OSU football?

Doesn't matter...we're only just hearing the surface. There's more coming out in the future, and it won't stop at Tressel.

Oh yeah..one last parting shot. OSU did it's own investigation, and found no other violations. The March presser was more of a pep rally. A magazine comes in ....from the OUTSIDE...and digs up way more info. Sure, the NCAA hasn't ruled on this yet..but I feel pretty confident there is at least SOME merit to what SI found. So, here you have the fox guarding the hen house. Yeah...nothing to see here...keep it moving.

Give me a break. And yeah, I got cut from Tressel's YSU squad. You found me out. Coach said I didn't have enough tats and I wasn't stroking enough booster egos...so he let me go. I would've been the G.O.A.T. I still got it in me though...I'm just waiting for another shot.

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Terrelle Pryor won't return to Buckeyes

"Terrelle Pryor's career at Ohio State, which started with so much promise and potential, has come to an abrupt and scandal-ridden end.

The Ohio State quarterback announced through his attorney on Tuesday that he would not play for the Buckeyes this season."


good riddance.....

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  • 1 month later...

He threw himself under the bus when he chose to lie to the NCAA. The real outrage is that he was allowed to "resign" instead of being fired. He voided his contract, and instead we are still paying him...

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He threw himself under the bus when he chose to lie to the NCAA. The real outrage is that he was allowed to "resign" instead of being fired. He voided his contract, and instead we are still paying him...

I obviously wasn't in the meeting...but I'd be willing to bet my next check that the terms of his leaving was engineered to secure his cooperation with the NCAA and fall on the sword so OSU stayed as far away from the scandal as possible. This clears the way for Urban M to come sooner..rather than later due to the limited damage to the program.

Really..what was the NCAA gonna do...make em pay back the bowl game $$? The quicker this goes away ..the better..for the NCAA.

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