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OSU Coach Jim Tressel RESIGNS!


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I would be surprised if he came to OSU while the ban hammer is being laid down, and the potential loss of scholarships (and/or bowl games) is in the air. Maybe I'm wrong...but there are better situations coming up. Texas in 2013? Ohio has great in state talent, but I think Texas wins the talent battle hands down.

He's an Ohio boy though. He's coming home.

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He's an Ohio boy though. He's coming home.

I could be wrong...and I would LOVE to see him at OSU and the Big Ten...but being from Ohio doesn't mean squat, and the link you posted was a little lean with actual credible and proven facts...just rumors...right around the time OSU got into trouble. Big shock there.

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SI claims there is more info to come. Pryor's name is the one being brought up. Its about the car's he's been given to use I'll bet. Well he needs to be suspended for the upcoming year and the AD at OSU needs to be fired. They will more than likely have to forfeit their entire season for playing ineligible players, lose some scholarships and be unable to play in any bowl games for a year or two. But they will survive. They will comeback if they get a coach in who demands rule adherence.

The story about them selling their medals was because they needed the money. Why's that? They get all sorts of freebies all year long. They get a stipend every month, plus we all know none of these kids is poor to begin with. So whats so bad about a kid in their position having to play by a set of rules, no matter how stringent, for 3 or 4 years, when most of them are going to break out of college making millions of $$$$'s?

You had me right up until the last paragraph. None of these kids are poor to begin with? Wrong. Just because they may have been plucked from a private school, doesn't mean they didn't get a full ride to go there. If they were indeed well-off to begin with, then I would think their financial choices would be a little better than this.

Most of them are going to break out of college and do absolute dick. SOME are going to get drafted into the NFL, and of those some, even less are going to make anything past the league minimum contract (which is arguably pretty high @ 340K for 2011, but nowhere near ZOMG MILLIONS!)

So yes, if someone told me that with my natural ability and willingness to learn/adapt/train I could be making fat cash in the NFL and all I had to do was straighten up and fly right for 4-5 years through the NCAA, you bet your ass I'd do it.

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I could be wrong...and I would LOVE to see him at OSU and the Big Ten...but being from Ohio doesn't mean squat, and the link you posted was a little lean with actual credible and proven facts...just rumors...right around the time OSU got into trouble. Big shock there.



What does he have to say about it all? "I am committed to ESPN and will not pursue any coaching opportunities this fall". Well that's a funny thing to say, especially since OSU isn't looking for someone "this fall". Every interview I've seen/heard, he's been very open ended with his words. He isn't saying no.

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LOL we could post competing links all day long. All I'm saying is that just because he's from Ohio doesn't mean he's coming here...and I'm sorry, but the events in recent days makes it easier for him to say NO. I could've seen him coming back in March...but now??

Come on...who wants to walk into this shit storm? And we don't even know the full depth of it yet.

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Oh yeah, one more thing... If Urban Meyer is here, and not officially working for OSU, he doesn't have to worry about NCAA rules about wooing possible assistant coaches and players to join for 2012... This could be one of the greatest possible opportunities for him.

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What does he have to say about it all? "I am committed to ESPN and will not pursue any coaching opportunities this fall". Well that's a funny thing to say, especially since OSU isn't looking for someone "this fall". Every interview I've seen/heard, he's been very open ended with his words. He isn't saying no.

I sent Erin Andrews an email asking her to please present herself to my house to engage in procreational activities. Due to her lack of reply or temporary restraining order, I believe that she is implying that I should pursue her services more vigorously.

I shall do so.

Edited by Cheech
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Oh yeah, one more thing... If Urban Meyer is here, and not officially working for OSU, he doesn't have to worry about NCAA rules about wooing possible assistant coaches and players to join for 2012... This could be one of the greatest possible opportunities for him.


Which stage of grief is this? First? Second? I lost track. :D

Don't forget...having the best coaches in the world don't mean shit if you can't get the athletes. They can only do so much. OSU's recruiting is going to suffer.

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I sent Erin Andrews an email asking her to please present herself to my house to engage in procreational activities. Due to her lack of reply or temporary restraining order, I believe that she is implying that I should pursue her services more vigorously.

I shall do so.

A closer analogy would be that she replied with, "Well, I'm going to be home alone and the doors will be unlocked. I'll probably be in the bath. It's upstairs, second door on the left."

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Honestly...we're talking about some weed (LOL) and some tats. Yeah...Pryor is a dick for driving around in new cars all the time...but OSU and it's compliance dept allowed it to happen. They sold their Big10/OSU gear when they weren't supposed to....Pryor took some shit from the locker room.

I'm with you on the the fact that up to the cars, a lot of this seems pretty harmless in my eyes. Rules changes may be in order.

As for taking some shit in the locker room, I would damn well hope NCAA players across the country are taking notice and sending a clear message to their teams' stars in the locker room: "Your new car is NOT worth fucking over the other 90+ guys on the roster who are here to try and make an honest shot at winning, and earn a free/discounted education."

There needs to be some internal policing. I agree that the AD and coaches should be stepping in and strongly implying, "hey Pryor, that car LOOKS like you can't afford it. Stop drawing attention to yourself," but the players can say things the coaches can't.

A coach doesn't want to ask questions that he KNOWS are going to be answered in a manner that fucks the team. The players have far less responsibility to report misconduct.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of kids are acting like children, but it's definitely frustrating to look at kids with such incredible athletic ability and see them wasting certain opportunities.

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Which stage of grief is this? First? Second? I lost track. :D

Don't forget...having the best coaches in the world don't mean shit if you can't get the athletes. They can only do so much. OSU's recruiting is going to suffer.

We'll just have to wait and see. Right now all of us are just pulling speculation out of our asses.

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Of course he's not saying NO to the job. he works for ESPN and that's all anyone needs to know right now. Even if he wasn't coming, why close that door in the media? He's been around the block a few times...and he's playing the perfect PR game.

He would be a fool to come to OSU while the ban hammer is here. If I were him, I'd wait until an interim coach has ridden that storm out and then take the job....assuming that the interim coach doesn't start winning.

The negatives outweigh ANY positives that were here back in March. Come see me in August when the NCAA is done. If OSU can get away with out any serious penalties....then it's on! But if you ask me, this investigation just took a WHOLE NEW direction and i wouldn't be surprised if it lasted until next year.

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I'm with you on the the fact that up to the cars, a lot of this seems pretty harmless in my eyes. Rules changes may be in order.

As for taking some shit in the locker room, I would damn well hope NCAA players across the country are taking notice and sending a clear message to their teams' stars in the locker room: "Your new car is NOT worth fucking over the other 90+ guys on the roster who are here to try and make an honest shot at winning, and earn a free/discounted education."

There needs to be some internal policing. I agree that the AD and coaches should be stepping in and strongly implying, "hey Pryor, that car LOOKS like you can't afford it. Stop drawing attention to yourself," but the players can say things the coaches can't.

A coach doesn't want to ask questions that he KNOWS are going to be answered in a manner that fucks the team. The players have far less responsibility to report misconduct.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of kids are acting like children, but it's definitely frustrating to look at kids with such incredible athletic ability and see them wasting certain opportunities.


You know..I wasn't even thinking about the cars when I mentioned the locker room gear. I was thinking about the tats..I'm assuming the TP doesn't actually own the cars and they are still in the dealerships' name. I guess I didn't stop to think that yeah...driving around in the car would be considered a gift/benefit.

Let's see if the NCAA learns anything from this. I have total faith in OSU that they will clean this up internally. And you better believe every Div I school had a meeting this morning to address any internal issues THEY may be having.

What a weekend.

And to top it all off, my uncle got suspended by FIFA.

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You know..I wasn't even thinking about the cars when I mentioned the locker room gear. I was thinking about the tats..I'm assuming the TP doesn't actually own the cars and they are still in the dealerships' name. I guess I didn't stop to think that yeah...driving around in the car would be considered a gift/benefit.

Let's see if the NCAA learns anything from this. I have total faith in OSU that they will clean this up internally. And you better believe every Div I school had a meeting this morning to address any internal issues THEY may be having.

What a weekend.

And to top it all off, my uncle got suspended by FIFA.

I have complete faith that OSU will continue to cover up whatever they can internally.

Your uncle should consider bribing more, it seemed to work for Qatar.

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Meyer is a good coach. He has already said 'not this year, contracted to ESPN', plus its said his wife will not go for it, absolutely not.

They are also saying with it given that the NCAA will most likely match what they did to USC, it will be very hard to get a quality coach to come onboard facing a loss of up to 30 scholarships, loss of eligibility for any bowl games for several years plus whatever other sanctions are laid on them.

Just like the 'USC should have known what Bush was getting', OSU 'should have known', as well as the tag of continued failure to comply.....its looking like things are catching up with those that chose to ignore the rules.

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You had me right up until the last paragraph. None of these kids are poor to begin with? Wrong. Just because they may have been plucked from a private school, doesn't mean they didn't get a full ride to go there. If they were indeed well-off to begin with, then I would think their financial choices would be a little better than this.

Most of them are going to break out of college and do absolute dick. SOME are going to get drafted into the NFL, and of those some, even less are going to make anything past the league minimum contract (which is arguably pretty high @ 340K for 2011, but nowhere near ZOMG MILLIONS!)

So yes, if someone told me that with my natural ability and willingness to learn/adapt/train I could be making fat cash in the NFL and all I had to do was straighten up and fly right for 4-5 years through the NCAA, you bet your ass I'd do it.

By saying 'most of the kids' I'm talking about these OSU kids. Most of those will come out making big money, with some in the $millions$, but $340k to me is big money. Enough to keep my head on straight for 4 yrs.

I grew up dirt poor. Pryor was not even close to poor. Maybe he couldn't have paid his way to college....but that doesn't make him poor. There was no real need to sell his stuff. Trading it for a tat is not sending money home to mama to help but beans on the table.

Chris Spielman said this whole thing is just the tip of the iceberg about Pryor. Pryor thinks the rules don't apply to him. Constantly late to practices, does what he wants regardless of what the rest of the team is required to do. A real prima donna. And Tressel and the rest of the staff let him get away with it. But so did the rest of the team. Hopefully they sit him down for his senior season. It would serve him right. But come draft day some pro team will select him high in the draft like they did Newton....:nono:....and he'll think he won. This is why I don't take it too seriously.

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I would be surprised if he came to OSU while the ban hammer is being laid down, and the potential loss of scholarships (and/or bowl games) is in the air. Maybe I'm wrong...but there are better situations coming up. Texas in 2013? Ohio has great in state talent, but I think Texas wins the talent battle hands down.

Texas will not get rid of Mack Brown with what he has done for that program. None of the fans or alumnus want him gone either. So not really sure what this 2013 stuff is all about.

On another note (not directed at Inyazz), just because Ohio is home doesnt mean people want to come back to this craphole of a state. :D

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Llike the quote from 'Matrix'....inevitability Mr Anderson....

Tress was a very good coach between the lines, but was found to be less than that behind the scenes. Too bad, I always had the greatest of respect for this guy, even considering his OSU teams had been beating my Wolverines for so many years.

So, will UMeyers end up as HC??? Where will Tressel re surface???

One mistake is enough to discredit a man's entire life? I hope for your sake you've never made a mistake.

It was a minor violation, that didn't involve any agents or any illegal activities. The NCAA pinned their ears back and went for blood because they couldn't get Cam Newton. They completely mishandled that investigation, allowed $Auburn to get away scott free, and let $Newton go on to win the $Heisman.

There have been worse violations from worse people that resulted in worse outcomes, and the NCAA penalties were far less severe. Hell, Pete Carroll was able to weasel into an NFL coaching gig. Bobby Bowden was able to retire with little embarrassment for his gross and repeated violations and cover ups from the 90s onward.

The whole thing stinks, and it's shocking how quickly the "fans" turned against Tressel.

Very true.

I hate to see OSU go down like this...over some BS really. BUT...OSU knew what it was getting when it hired JT in the first place. This is the real JT folks...he's a facilitator and a hypocrite..but he's a helluva coach and generally a good guy. OSU took the good with the bad, and it eventually caught up with them.

I do have to take notice of OSU fan who was pretty cocky not too long ago and praised everything JT touched...and now....it's "Well, maybe UM can win a game now", or "It's all Pryor's fault".

Do you know everything that all your friends do? Did your parents know of everything you did when you were growing up? I mean everything?

It's easy to hide things from even the closest friends and family members. According to the NCAA, Cam Newton didn't know his dad was negotiating payment for him to play in the $SEC. Did Tressel know something happened? Sure. The question is did he think it was a real violation of the NCAA rules? I don't know. It's a complex book of poorly written by-laws that takes a few lawyers to maybe, MAYBE, explain it.

If Tressel is the fall guy (which he is) it isn't for a few players: it's for the entire NCAA system, fans included. Every few years they "catch" someone "breaking" the rules, make a big stink about it, ESPN and SI find someone that "knew all along" and has "insider information," the NCAA throws the book at the coach with a wink and nod (at least that was the case for Bowden, Carrol, and Rich Rod) and then they go on saying that the system works and these "kids" are really there to get an education.

Bottom line: The most upstanding coach in college football didn't consider it a violation, no one around him considered it a violation, had it been an SEC school, the NCAA wouldn't have considered it a violation.

Edited by dorifto240
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One mistake is enough to discredit a man's entire life? I hope for your sake you've never made a mistake.

It was a minor violation, that didn't involve any agents or any illegal activities. The NCAA pinned their ears back and went for blood because they couldn't get Cam Newton. They completely mishandled that investigation, allowed $Auburn to get away scott free, and let $Newton go on to win the $Heisman.

There have been worse violations from worse people that resulted in worse outcomes, and the NCAA penalties were far less severe. Hell, Pete Carroll was able to weasel into an NFL coaching gig. Bobby Bowden was able to retire with little embarrassment for his gross and repeated violations and cover ups from the 90s onward.

The whole thing stinks, and it's shocking how quickly the "fans" turned against Tressel.

Do you know everything that all your friends do? Did your parents know of everything you did when you were growing up? I mean everything?

It's easy to hide things from even the closest friends and family members. According to the NCAA, Cam Newton didn't know his dad was negotiating payment for him to play in the $SEC. Did Tressel know something happened? Sure. The question is did he think it was a real violation of the NCAA rules? I don't know. It's a complex book of poorly written by-laws that takes a few lawyers to maybe, MAYBE, explain it.

If Tressel is the fall guy (which he is) it isn't for a few players: it's for the entire NCAA system, fans included. Every few years they "catch" someone "breaking" the rules, make a big stink about it, ESPN and SI find someone that "knew all along" and has "insider information," the NCAA throws the book at the coach with a wink and nod (at least that was the case for Bowden, Carrol, and Rich Rod) and then they go on saying that the system works and these "kids" are really there to get an education.

Bottom line: The most upstanding coach in college football didn't consider it a violation, no one around him considered it a violation, had it been an SEC school, the NCAA wouldn't have considered it a violation.

Have you read the SI article? We're not talking some hack job. The guy has won a Pulitzer prize. So, you're saying that JT had absolutely NO IDEA that this was going on? Wow. Ok, I'll give you that. Well, what about Clarett? JT said he spent more time with him than anyone else...and he claimed ignorance of that to. I guess JT had no idea then either. And when Maurice gets suspended, he decides to rat on everyone and he says JT was the conduit for the money! But I guess that was just a disgruntled player. That's easy to write him off...Maurice WAS a troubled player who didn't have his head on straight. But, wait a minute....the same thing happened at YSU. Hmmmm...is there a pattern here? Naaaahhh....JT is the most upstanding coach in college football.

Some of you guys are blinded and clouded by his wins. You think JT's shit don't stink. Hell...I was one of those folks. But let's be honest here...there is an obvious pattern with JT hooking up his players with these boosters. He can claim ignorance that he doesn't know what happens after the initial meeting...but really? Come on. And WHY did JT play those players when he KNEW they would be inellgible?? Don't tell me he didn't know the rules...HE HAD ALREADY SUSPENDED SMITH AND CLARETT FOR THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!

Tressel isn't the fall guy..he's part of the problem. And it's a problem that the NCAA has helped create. Yes, the NCAA is at fault too. The system is designed to breed corruption.

And you can't say that these infractions are ALL minor. Some of them, yes..but others impact the rest of the team AND it impacts recruiting. Folks will come to OSU over another school because they know they're gonna get the hook up..more so than somewhere else. I've had to take athletes around on these 'school visits' (years ago). I know exactly what goes on and what gets said.

As a Buckeye fan, you should be just as mad as Tressel for letting this go on. had this been Woody, he would've beat the shit out of Pryor for riding around in those cars or being late to practice, or selling that gear to get tats. PERIOD. JT let it happen, and according to SI and other coaches, he's been doing it for years.

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