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Saturday 5/23/09


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DTC is having a ride, and there's a couple guys doing the triple nickel.



Both will be a ride from NE Ohio south, but we have a few NE Ohio peeps representing. The DTC is a more casual, laid back, sight seeing, scenic group, picture Nazi (Fonzie), but the 555 crew might have a more "spirited" pace.

Choose your own adventure. I went on a spirited ride today (http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=26879), so at this point I'm planning to go with the laid back crew next weekend.

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Seems like we might be the only 3 that will do this ride. Maybe we just aren't in the cool kids club.:dunno:

Maybe the mileage is to much? People have to much going on? Scared to cross the border? Need more post whore time? I just don't get it! asmilieStirPotChef.gif

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How about you and I meet at Bp at 8 and if Conn-e-rot is coming we can meet him at 90 and 7 at a gas station. Around 9 and we will head out then. Or would you 2 rather start earlier or later? I'm ready to go! With all the rain this week I have been cooped up and need to get out and ride.

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I just got a can of that and a can of the DuPont Teflon lube I have heard so much about. We will see which one I like better.

Yeah it was a good time. We should try to make a trip south next time. When and where is the question.

Tomorrow if the weather is alright I am going to a car show in Solon. I used to go there 10 years ago and have heard it has grown and the now have a lot of bikes on a weekly basis. I usually run down 174 during the week just of a little ride and this will just give somewhere to stop on Tuesdays instead of Starbucks. Who am I kidding I still will stop and get a coffee.

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