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I Jobs is a 'publican....then yes I will be a Dem.

Apple and Jobs is like Skynet, we must take them down before it's too late.

Replace Apple with Microsoft and Jobs with Gates and I completely agree with you.

I vote Penguin all the way, and Mac OSX is tux friendly.

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Change Microsoft to Google, and change Gates to Larry Page and Sergey Brin and I think we're on the right track. Google is Skynet. Google must be stopped.

BTW, fuck Chrome...

Google scares me. They know everything. :lol:
Replace Mac OS X with *BSD and an ugly purple theme...

Two good things came out of Berkeley - BSD and LSD.

+1 to the Penguin (no, CBRGirl, not the Penguins, the Penguin).

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apple launched their cloud/ios5/lion dev today. looked pretty cool, nothing that stood out as most of the stuff has already been out via others for a while.

although when apple comes out with this kind stuff it usually "just works" whereas android/google/windows you'd have to fiddle with settings etc to get it working flawlessly.

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