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Please think about or send prayers for C7FX...


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I wanted to post this after I talked with Brett and really got a great idea what mid-ohio is all about.

First I always hear complaints about price. True it's not cheap but the medical staff at the track plus the fact they have life flight on the ready is amazing!!! I don't think you can get a faster response to high tech care from any other track day organization than mid-Ohio.

Also the whole organization is truly a family. To prove it to you just come by the garages and talk to anyone with a yellow shirt on. No one thinks they are better and no one uses this as an opportunity for free track time.

Control riding can be very hard with little down time. (it did help me with my sol20's). :)

My roll the day of the crash was one I actually loved. I was directed to find the riders who where off pace in the N group and get them up to speed. Second part of my role that day was to work with the I group. I followed an I guy in the morning who was complaining of grip watched and followed him and was able to help him out second part of the day a was working with people who wanted to shave just a little time. It truly is rewarding and will miss this.

Anyways thanks for all your well wishes sorry this isn't the best type job but I'm working with a jacked up body and I guess a jacked up mind lol

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Damn....I am not here that much these days and got this lat. Jeff .....have a speedy recovery........he is such a nice guy, we were case med school garage mate for years prayers, thoughts best wishes....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the latest update from Cheryl:

"FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2011 11:21 PM, EDT

Hello - sorry for the late update. I got home late had to move our cars down to my sisters house because I got a letter taped to my door today that they are working on our street and our driveway will be unusable for the next 2-3 days. They are starting at 7:00am tomorrow morning. Surprised they are doing this on a holiday weekend. I just hope it is only for 2-3 days. My younger sister lives 8 streets down so I can just ride my scooter down to her house to the car.

Today Jeff had a frustrating day. His back spasms are back so today in therapy the therapists met with the doctor to figure out the best treatment for the spasms. They put him in a motorized wheelchair to take some of the stress off his back and to get him sitting up straighter. He used the bicycle machine, they stretched him and they put heat packs on his back.

He was in bed when I got there and he looked pretty good considering how his day went. He is just frustrated that he has this set back. This weekend he is to rest to give his back a break. They don't think the spasms are related to the surgery or injury it is just how he utilizing different muscles. His determination is there to work his hardest, he just has to wait for his body to catch up.

Enjoy your holiday weekend and please be safe.


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