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Another computer question


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I go to a race car forum and it had a virus problem a couple of weeks ago and it was taken care of and has been working fine. Two days ago it got hit again but it seems to be selective so to speak of who it affects.

On my computer if I click on the site to open it, it comes up with a page that says it can not be loaded and the virus pop up says that my computer has stopped a trojan horse virus from loading, then the virus protector pop up says that it was a false positive what ever that means.

On my dad's computer he has not had any trouble with the site, it loads and everything is ok.

Any ideas what could be going on here to stop my computer from logging on?

Thanks for any help you can give on this.

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Could try clearing your browser's cache and cookies:

Internet Explorer: Tools | Internet Options

Chrome: Tools | Options | Under the Hood

Firefox: Tools | Preferences

Or my standard "Use Linux" answer...

Edited by jblosser
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malwarebytes.org. Download and install free version. Might have to do it in safe mode by pressing F8 at boot. (thumb drive?)

In Internet Options under control panel, connections tab, LAN settings, clear any proxy settings.

Update malwarebytes fully. If it wont install/run in normal mode, install/run in safemode. Run full scan in safe mode and remove what ever it finds.

Then, boot into normal mode, update and run it again. You must run and have no infections in normal mode as not all .dll files are loaded in safe mode.

Start, run --> MSCONFIG-->startup tab

Anything that looks like 83fg34asfr43r.dll or .exe remove the file at its location and run REGEDIT and remove its start up key.

Usually under HKLM/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run

Edited by chrisknight
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Ive gotten so I can spot them pretty reliably...




are fine...

You basically dont have to manually hunt in safe mode if you have clean MB scans in normal node. Dont forget to run a full virus scan after...

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We didn't even have computers when I was in school and I admit these things make me look dumber than usual. I tried clearing the cookies and cache and it didn't work.

I tried the site on my son's laptop and it wasn't able to access the site either. The only thing in common with his laptop and my computer is roadrunner.

I will just have to have to pay someone to come check this thing out, here is a picture of the message and that is the only website giving me fits.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Google says don't go there.

Assuming this is a local website (not as big as ORdN, for instance), whoever is in charge of it needs to get it cleaned up.

XDTalk, 40,000+ members, it took them (professional computer nerds running the site) about 2 weeks to clean their stuff up.

Hang out here for awhile, go back there when it's safe.

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Doing a little more reading, the JS:Redirector-GR is currently found only by Avast. There's a problem with something at the website (in the code of the webpages), not (maybe/probably) on your machine.

Your laptop and your son's both are running Avast (guessing) and neither can get there, but Dad's isn't running Avast (guessing) and can.

Up to you: Wait until the site's cleaned up, or take a chance and go there - I don't use Avast, but I'd imagine there's a way to ask/tell it to let you go there.

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I run avast with no prior problems and my son runs MS essentials or something like that. So you think it is the site's problem, they did get hit by hackers a month or so back.

I will just wait them out since it is the only site giving me problems.

Thanks guys.

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