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Michele Bachmann Caught Using Taxpayer Money For Rallies


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The bailout (aka nationalization of GM) was the additional argument you presented as a rebuttal to an instance that makes Obama a communist.

And, keeping with the same vein as my original argument (that if one item makes Obama a communist, then other presidents are also communist), plus the additional one you added (the automaker bailout) -- I countered with the bank bailout.


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become a welder with a certification for natural gas and you'll have work for decades. There just isn't enough welders to go around for all the work that needs done and these guys make well over six figures a year, its absolutely insane

Humm wonder where I get my cert at. I figure Ill be getting laid off next year. :(

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so is she going to have to resign? is this as bad as tweeting crotch shots?

or what about the idaho senator who got drunk and stole a car this weekend? will he be resigning too?

Wow and I thought I made bad life decisions lol

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As long as you acknowledge that. And water tastes like bread.

Though I try to have some validity, fact, expertise (either personal or professional), academic, or scientific backing of my opinions.

Not necessarily, I'm more than open-minded when it comes to viewing issues, but "Because I said so" or "because that's what *I* think" without supporting information are ignorant opinions and not worth respecting or listening to in the least, save for the very few issues where you just have to agree to disagree because they don't have solid or credible supporting information either way or are moral/ethical issues.

So, for example, calling Obama or any politician a Marxist, Communist, or whatever without an understanding of those terms in the entirety, just because some traits of their ideology fall inline with some of the philosophies is nothing more than exposing your own ignorance. And using that psychology that because some ideas overlap between ones personal ideology and that of another makes them one, then that would make almost EVERY president a marxist, communist, or whatever ideology you're trying to bias as negative in the Obama example.

It's old, tired, and immature at best because it shows a sore lack of education on the issues.

But of course, that's just my opinion, because I said so. :D

You do have a point. The name calling does little to further a discussion, and it gets old really fast.

I think even you would have to admit, however, that how much you identify any candidate's philosophy as marxist, communist, etc.. will vary depending on the point of view you're starting with. For us conservatives, Obama is about as close as you can get without coming out and admitting it. Call it hybrid Americanized Marxism, but it's not too far off.

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Government does have something to do with the price of gas. They could cut the gas tax to boost the economy.

We are losing republican candidates pretty quickly. I don't know why the republicans want to play like democrats. I hate to say it maybe its time for a third party. My fear with a third party is that it could split the votes and the Marxist America hater could get re-elected of course he might anyway he has acorn registering the Dallas cowboys in Colorado and the smurfs somewhere else. It would be nice if we could get some average bob, Joe, Jim, harry, etc to run and get rid of these lawyer types.

you're just now realizing republicans are douch bags too? actually the bigger of the douch bags that is...

do some digging of things they vote for and want you to conform to.

and they like call obama a communist/socialist...that's the pot calling the kettle black.

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I think there are lots of doushe bags in politics and all of them go to Washington with one thing in mind and that's to get re elected. I consider myself more of a libertarian than republican or conservative although I believe in a strong military unlike most libertarians. I disagree with what most all of the politicians do and have done, but Mr. Obama in my opinion is destroying America. I want the government to get back to the original powers. I believe in a very limited federal government. I am a big 2nd amendment supporter, but I did not support the NRA in their endeavour to pass 50 state reciprocity for ccw/CHL permits. I don't want the government in every aspect of my life. I think the federal government is way too bloated. I think departments like the federal department of education should be cut I see no warrant for it in the Constition. I'm for less taxes on all taxpayers and if we cut the bloated government we could cut taxes. I'm for the fair or flat tax system so I'm not taxed on money I don't spend. I'm for states rights so if Ohio wants to allow gay marriage or legalize marijuana so be it if the voters in Ohio want it. I don't just blame Obama either I believe harry Reid, Polusi, and others are too socialist, Marxist, lynonist(spelling?), etc.

*** disclainer my thoughts and opinions are exactly that my opinions they are not necessarily based on fact but may be. *****

Edited by crb
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