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1 out of 5 Ohioans would fail driver's test


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...I don't care if you're doing 5 or 10 over the limit on the highway or major roads, but keep it under 30 in neighborhoods.

Use your damn turn signal when there's traffic around, and don't assume that your turn signal entitles you to cut me off. It's an expression of your desire to change lanes; not an illuminated road block that entitles you to a space...

+ eleventy billion, except I'd say 25 in my neighborhood, 30 in others...

When I become president, if your turn signal isn't on, your car won't turn. Period.

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well in the last 7 weeks I have had 2 cars crash in my yard.

its a straight strech of road..........

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Edited by Big3
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So, the exam is no longer about regulations?

It's all about politicians and fines?

Who cares who the Director of Highway Safety is...

I don't know what it is now but in 05' mine was on a computer in Hillard and it had a lot of stuff to do with alcohol and drug fines and points at different levels. Once I actually studied that section I passed easy. Even the riding test was cake and I scored 100%, but I soon learned how low the examiners expectations were when a guy on an Indian went off the course and still passed.:nono: I didn't say anything but isn't that supposed to be immediate failure? :confused:

I put it down as the examiner must have gotten a nooner since he was late getting back from lunch and was in a good mood. :rolleyes:

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On my MSF test the lady in front of me dropped the bike on her emergency braking test. We were told that dropping the bike during the test was instant fail. The two guys teaching the course talked to each other and somehow decided that her test "Hadn't started yet". They gave her another chance and she passed.

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