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OSU vacates the 2010 season and places itself on 2 year probation


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That's Casey Anthony.....you know...the alleged trunk stuffing child killer?

meh paper bag it to keep the crazy in.

also in my defense, she looks hella different now. and also in my defense, i usually skip straight to boobs when looking at pics

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she looks real good in a lot of pics. Probably how a wacko like her got knocked up in the first place.

I don't even mind the super-short hair in some of the shots.

Like dad used to say, "Body by Porsche, brain by Fisher-Price". :rolleyes:

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^ Don't run Fickel out of town yet !! Damn!! :) Let him coach a season first.

I would be SHOCKED and I'll eat crow if Urban comes here while OSU is under sanctions for bowl games or anything else that would hurt recruiting. If OSU escapes the BAN hammer, I can see Fickel doing one and done, unless he does exceptionally well (it's possible...OSU still has a lot of good talent on the field)...then Urban slides in.

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^ Don't run Fickel out of town yet !! Damn!! :) Let him coach a season first.

I would be SHOCKED and I'll eat crow if Urban comes here while OSU is under sanctions for bowl games or anything else that would hurt recruiting. If OSU escapes the BAN hammer, I can see Fickel doing one and done, unless he does exceptionally well (it's possible...OSU still has a lot of good talent on the field)...then Urban slides in.

I no doubt concur on both assessments. and I bet Fickel does a pretty good job and lands another decent job immediately if he were ever jettisoned for Urban Meyer

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