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new wheels


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The UPS man just paid me a visit, and I seriously don't think I've been more excited to rip through a package like a kid on Christmas morning in a long, long time. Bought a set of the old, out of production polished aluminum Performance Machine wheels off a guy from the Buell forum at Bad Weather Bikers for $500, which is about a steal. Have wanted these for a while, I think it'll really change the whole Micheal Knight look of the all black-on-black-on-black. My day just got exponentially better!!





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Hmmm... so is this you guys' way of telling me that the ones I posted aren't showing up, or is it your way of letting me know that it's the lamest damn thing you've ever heard in your entire lives but because I put a couple of photos up you're willing to consider letting it slide with just a sarcastic shot...? :lol:

(btw? - one can be fixed pretty easily, only reason I'm askin')

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we don't see any pics :dunno:

You can take a picture and put it on the internet? :?

technology - ain't it grand?


anyhow, need to swap out the bearings and I think I'm going to have them polished professionally by a shop somewhere, I know there's one in Lancaster that does amazing work - they've been sitting in a tool shed for 2yrs and there's a lot more muck on them than I thought at first, and a couple of light scratches that someone who knows what they're doing might be able to get out.

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