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My crash of shame.


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Well, I was doing better a few days ago. Doesn't seem like the swelling is going down, if anything it feels like it's getting worse. All the drugs they had me loaded up on, has worn off, making my arm very uncomfortable. No pain, just annoying. The rest of my upper body is pretty sore and bruising. Other than that, I'm doing pretty good.

Here's a couple pictures of my fingers. You can see how swollen they are.



the swelling in my hand didnt seem to go down for about a month,for a minute I didnt think it was going too it takes a while it was slow to heal

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Glad your ok. I lowsided in Hocking Hills over a month ago. Luckily into the grass. Very minor damage but it made me think of a sig on here. Experience sometimes comes just after you need it or something like that. Not saying you don't have enough, I just didn't have enough. Lol. Heal quick bro.

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The swelling in my hip from my little spill is still there. It's not as bad as it was the week after. It's is a royal pain to mow the grass, seems sitting on the mower for hours at a time just does not do it any favors.

Good thing is, You are healing! slow process.

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They set my elbow Sunday and for reasons I don't understand, not having surgery until the 28th.

they probably want/need any swelling inside your arm to go down so they can set things back to normal when they're a normal size.

the 28th is coming up fast - good luck w/ surgery, and heal quickly!

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Glad it wasn't worse. How attached are you to sport bikes? Cause that injury seems like it could keep you from putting much weight on your arm for quite some time. Keep up and complete all of your PT though for best chances of a full recovery.

Here's to a speedy and full recovery though.

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No No No Tyler found that issue LOL

Haha after pushing his bike and it still not firing. I guess that was my payback for you guys having to push start me every other time

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Well, it's finally almost time to get this shit over with. Gotta be in Cleveland tomorrow morning by 8:30 for pre-surgery prep. Quite possibly, I'll be losing a little piece of myself and gaining a new piece to live with for the next 20 years. I think I'm going to ask if I can keep what they take out. You think they'll give it to me? It's mine, I don't see why they wouldn't.

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Well surgery went well yesterday. Unfortunately, last night and so far today has been miserable.

If you are by chance interested in seeing the procedure and what they did, here is a link that explains it. This is not my arm but it's what was done.

WARNING!!!! Some images are graphic!


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