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BeaveRun August 13th


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Definitely out for this one, but I know like 80% of the people control riding this event.

If you end up going and want to hear fast guys make fun of me, you can tell Jeff (blue R6, #15) and Kevin (Red camo R6 #42) that you know me.

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I'm looking into signing up for this one even though it's late, but I've never been out with NESBA before. I created an account but was given no option for grouping (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Do they do that sort of a breakdown or do I have to start in B and work my way up?

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You will decide when you register. You can register in B or I to start, but you'll need a valid expert race license to register in Advanced.

If you can do 1:10's at BeaveRun consistently, you're good in "I"

Once you choose a group though, only NESBA can move you - so you can't register for B this time, and then decide you want to go in I next time around.

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Thinking about making it on Sunday. I would like to go Saturday but I will be traveling from work and won't make it home Friday night until about 11 or 12. I signed up for my NESBA membership today. I will have to check the funds to be sure but I will hopefully try to make it out.

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All signed up. Looks like I'm stuck in B, I was never given an option :confused: to pick I or B. I guess I'll just need to work my way out. Shouldn't be a biggie. See you guys there!

I'm in the same boat. Not sure if I'm going to head out Friday night or early Saturday morning.

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Mid-O or nothing boy!!!

yeah, we all know Mid-O is the hands-down best call when there's a questionable forecast :D

BeaveRun has really good wet grip, so don't sweat it. Plus the radar there is NEVER right.

I went a few weeks ago and wasn't even registered. Sunday morning at 7:50, the forecast was still calling for a 40% chance of rain all morning, and 50% all afternoon. I registered anyway.

I never rode a wet session all day, and while it was overcast to start the day, it was sunny by lunch time.

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I have my nieces graduation party this Sat. and I'm not blowing $190 for Beaver. I'd rather spend it at.........yup........you guessed it, Mid-O. I'm all over Beaver with Motoseries prices and no "guest" fees. :nono:

NESBA membership is $25, and they're at BeaveRun once a month. Definitely worth it if you want to ride BeaveRun with any regularity. If you're paying $190, that's the late fee for registering less than two weeks (might even be 10 days) in advance.

Moto Series charges a late fee too. I found that out last time I rode with them.

What's nice about NESBA is that they pay your gate fee and camping fees. They also cover the gate fee for any of your friends who want to tag along or visit. Last time I was at Nelson w/ Moto Series, it was $10 a head to get in the gate.

Edited by redkow97
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Not according to their website. $190 for guest (i.e. not a member) and $165 for members. Nothing about any late fees. Besides, even if I did pay the $25 to be a member plus the $160 it's still only $5 shy of going to Mid-O. Not to mention it's so late in the season I'd never really take advantage of the membership depending on when it expires.

It's great that you get those extra perks for being a member. Maybe I'll sign up early next year and take advantage of it.

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I wonder if they would still charge a late fee for walk ups.

they will hand you an iPad and say, "register online."

simpler for them, and no handling cash. I had hoped that my friends working registration might "forget" about the late fee as well, but the website doesn't.

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What's the deal with numbers? I have some stick-ons but their notebook calls for 6" or larger numbers on the tail. I have a passenger seat which means numbers that big won't even fit. I'm bringing some tape to make numbers that are bigger than what I have, but are they going to pitch a fit over this?

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