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Ohh.. so these stickers only protect motorcycles and helmets!? Ohh okay


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Please excuse this as a repeat for my FB buddies-

I put my new OR sticker on my new car (2011 Subaru Outback Impreza Sport) and life was peachy keen.

Was all good until I went out for lunch and someone in a SUV rear-ended me at a crosswalk as I was doing that whole law abiding thing and waiting for pedestrians. (Old Dublin across from Brazenhead)

The sticker survived.. the back end of my car.. eh.. not so much. Even the driver side rear door won't close and open properly.

I will have only had my car 4 months come the 15th of this month.


The person who hit me admitted to me that they weren't wearing their seatbelt and looked down at their phone when it rang. She didn't know I'd stopped.. and BAM!

I'm fine. She hurt her knee a bit because it hit the dash. The pedestrians are fine.

At least she had insurance.




Edited by DGTL GRL
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write down EXACTLY what she said to you ASAP. If she admitted fault in any way, that can only help you. Seems like it should be open and shut case, but things rarely are.

if you have to go to court (or have to threaten to), making a record of what was said NOW is going to lend a lot more credibility to the statement later.

"how do you remember what she said to you?" I wrote it down the day of the accident. That's a lot more convincing than "I just remember - she said it to me a year ago when the accident occurred, and we're finally in court now; but I'm sure that's what she said."

The police should have done the same in their police report, but getting the officer to testify isn't always possible.

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I got a call back from her insurance adjuster.. preliminary estimate.. almost $9,500. It was $9,476.57.

That's the preliminary...

Mental note: Don't buy easily damaged Subaru's. :D

Edited by r1crusher
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I guess you mean buy.

And it wasn't easily damaged.. she hit me going about 30 and didn't even apply her brakes.

I'm fine though.. the car took the entire blow of the impact.

Yes, I ment buy (and it's fixed). I was just messin' with ya. :D Hell if a Subaru can put up with the crap Pauly dishes out on it I'm sure it's not all that bad.

For a 30mph impact it sure did carry the forces of that pretty far forward.

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Well I'm sure with the part shortage due to the EQ and Tsunami parts aren't exactly cheap.

They say my car will take about 25 days..roughly a month.

Till then I'm stuck with a 2010 Honda Accord LX Slug that looks like pretty rough.

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Well I'm sure with the part shortage due to the EQ and Tsunami parts aren't exactly cheap.

They say my car will take about 25 days..roughly a month.

Till then I'm stuck with a 2010 Honda Accord LX Slug that looks like pretty rough.

Shoulda got the EX more hp at least thats how mine is :D

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30 mph from the rear, don't dismiss delayed neck or back injury. Maybe just a sprain or strain, but these areas don't always show up in just one day.

Glad your ok, you should let Subaru know about the strength of our OR stickers. :)

Everyone ride safe out there.


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