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ron paul's proposed legislation

Steve Butters

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I agree, but I think this is a poor battle for Ron Paul to choose right now.

I love that the guy sticks to his principles, but he's going to need support from more moderate Republicans to have even a PRAYER at a Republican nomination.

Good policy, but bad campaigning, IMHO.

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I agree, but I think this is a poor battle for Ron Paul to choose right now.

I love that the guy sticks to his principles, but he's going to need support from more moderate Republicans to have even a PRAYER at a Republican nomination.

Good policy, but bad campaigning, IMHO.

Which is exactly why I love him for a candidate. It's refreshing to see someone so not full of it for a change.

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Yes, but he's shooting himself in the foot (pun intended) with a polarizing issue like this one.

I think you can argue about military spending and appeal to people's logic. You can have the IDENTICAL argument regarding guns and schools, but no matter how logical and valid your points are, voters get emotional over that kind of crap.

This is bad timing.

It makes me wonder how serious RP is about actually winning a nomination or election.

He may be more pragmatic than I give him credit for though. If he's sure he can't win; then this campaign is his only chance to make a nation-wide impact. I hope that's not the case, but I fear it is.

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I completely agree with you, but also keep in mind that the pendulum is swinging back again. We've been taken about as far left as the population will allow, the economy is tanking, the debt is out of control, and nobody has a job. There actually might be half a chance for a guy like Ron Paul. The last time this happened we ended up with Ronald Regan, who, depending on your point of view, was not the worst thing to happen to the country.

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:lol: @ us being taken so far 'left'

But Fox news said so! ;-)

I think he's got a point though. Whether it's "left" governing, or a general stalemate in Congress, the perception is that the country has gone (further?) down hill under Obama.

Even his supporters are disappointed if you believe the polls. The general sentiment is that this isn't the change they voted for. So at best, Obama "supporters" think he's not doing enough, and at worst, they think he lied during his campaign.

It will be an interesting 2012 campaign.

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