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anyone collect scrap metal?


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another thing i would like to note if it is such easy money why do people feel the need to steal AC's, Cats, and other misc stuff if there is so much other stuff just lying around. Could be risky buisness if you take stuff in with out knowing were it came from

sounds like most people in this thread who scrap come across the spare metals during their jobs

crackheads dont have jobs, so they have to steal shit

for example: we did a concrete floor inside a house, and while tearing out the old floor we found about 50lbs of lead that was used inside the floor....the kitchen pad had a good amount of rebar in it also

same week we did a job at a trucking company and they had a bunch of metal racks they were throwing out for some reason...we pulled them outta their dumpster and tossed them on the trailer, they were several hundred pounds....the guy also gave us the heavy steel plates they were using to park the trailers on to prevent further damage to the asphalt...we tore out the asphalt and put concrete down and they didnt need the plates anymore

its easy to come across metal when you work construction, or come across batteries when your company deals with them on the regular like swingr mentioned

some people are good at knowing where scrap can be found and make a living out of driving around scrapping (knowing which factories have extra metal they toss and when they set it out etc).....also a lot of scrappers go around to auctions and bid on metal that most people think is trash, they will scrap it..... i know a guy who bought a broken down dump truck at an auction for $300....he loaded it up and scrapped it the same day for $1500

the people who steal stuff are just people trying to make a quick buck without putting any effort into it and are usually trying to feed a habit, rather than pay for bills.

Edited by Steve Butters
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I'm more looking at this as "income of opportunity."

I'm not going to go out and look for scrap, but I collect the recyclable materials at work already.

We have some people in our office who drink 3 or 4 cans of pop each day. I'm already in charge of emptying that bin, so for the extra 2 minutes it will take me to separate cans from plastic, I can get a few bucks to pay for ammo, beer, or a tire change.


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