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New CNN Poll: Majority want tax increase for wealthy and deep spending cuts


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What do you think? I'm all for massive spending cuts. And if to come to an agreement or compromise that means we have to raise taxes on the wealthy, so be it. If this fixes the deficit issue and leaves our country a better place for future generations, then I'm all for it.

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Dont even need to raise taxes on the richies, jjust stop giving them the taxes break the rest of us dont get. stop giving corps. huge tax breaks and loop holes.

I guess that's what I mean by raising the taxes for the rich. I'm more of a fan of fixing the tax code, but the tea party and republicans view that as raising the taxes on the wealthy.

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step 1) abolish all tax breaks for businesses. (edit - businesses with over a certain number of employees. Not sure how many would be ideal...)

step 2) make a fairly significant tax-break for each full-time job a given business creates that pays more than $15/hour, or $35k/year.

Then the employers are able to maintain the 'discounts' they've been receiving, but are simultaneously motivated to create jobs.

am I retarded, or does this seem crazy enough to work?

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Evil tax loophole: Hey Small-town Ohio, I'll move my factory and 2000 jobs here if you don't charge me property tax for 5 years. No.....? Viva Mexico!

If the loophole generates tax revenue greater than the loss, I'm all for some creativity.

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Dont even need to raise taxes on the richies, jjust stop giving them the taxes break the rest of us dont get. stop giving corps. huge tax breaks and loop holes.

I'm in favor of both. Return to the pre-Bush tax tier, eliminate the loopholes, and create a new bracket for those 375,000 to, say, 2M that's 3-4% higher than the last, with 2M+ being 4-5% higher than that.

Cut defense spending by completely pulling out of Iraq and significantly drawing down forces in Afghanistan. Cease production of all new carriers, and mothball the carrier fleet (along with it's associated battle group ships) down to 8-9 carrier battle groups from 12. That should reduce the defense budget by about 25-30%, if it doesn't, keep chopping until it does. End all military aid to Israel. Eliminate any and all faith-based programs. Eliminate Medicare Part D and move to a bulk-purchasing (I'm saying this wrong, hopefully you get the idea) prescription drug purchasing scheme that leverages our scale.

Take the massive savings this would generate and start rebuilding the fucking infrastructure and other public works projects, like a country-wide Intenet network that's not 15 years behind the rest of the world. Single-payer healthcare would be nice too, but I know I ask too much in this crowd. :)

We'd have a surplus possibly within 5 years, definitely within 10.

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Screw raising taxes on the rich. Bastards.Makes no sense to me. They dump more money back into the economy which is irrelevant. it's flat out wrong. They should raise it for those on assistance. Just today I heard a government bankruptcy office scrapping out all their battery backup systems because batteries were old. When questioned why not just replace the batteries they stated this is the government, we don't do that. Ironic.gubment needs to go thru a LEAN process and cut the fat.

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It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.

Adam Smith aka "father of capitalism" in Wealth of Nations.

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fun fact that I think becomes relevant when bitching about "the rich:"

the estate tax was created to prevent "American Royalty." The whole principle behind it was to avoid the existence of the Paris Hiltons of the world.

the Founding Father's felt that accumulating wealth to pass on to your children was fine in moderation, but the idea that your kids are not only comfortable, but inherit an EMPIRE was totally unacceptable. Too close to the British feudal system they had come to hate.

Thus the estate tax was supposed to ensure that no one inherited the ability to be irresponsible and live like a moron without any consequences; and insane wealth.

Glad that worked out as intended <eyerolll>

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Tax everyone the same percentage of income, eliminate all tax breaks, simplify the tax code, and no tax refunds....hmmm. Lower taxes for everyone period, surplus for the govt and no need for thousands of people to rewrite a complicated tax code every year and more fair business deals. Oh everyone on welfare and assistance take monthly or every other month drug tests.

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fun fact that I think becomes relevant when bitching about "the rich:"

the estate tax was created to prevent "American Royalty." The whole principle behind it was to avoid the existence of the Paris Hiltons of the world.

the Founding Father's felt that accumulating wealth to pass on to your children was fine in moderation, but the idea that your kids are not only comfortable, but inherit an EMPIRE was totally unacceptable. Too close to the British feudal system they had come to hate.

Thus the estate tax was supposed to ensure that no one inherited the ability to be irresponsible and live like a moron without any consequences; and insane wealth.

Glad that worked out as intended <eyerolll>

Founding Fathers? The estate tax is like 90 years old...

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tax at equal ammount

cut military spending

eliminate forign aid

make it cost companys MORE to move out of the lower 48 states

if you want to give out tax breaks to some one.... try the lower middle class & lower

I still have never understood why its cheaper for honda & mazda to make thier cars here but GM is in mexico & canada.....

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My plan to a great America:

1. Flat tax rate for anybody over the poverty line, including business. EVERYBODY pays their fair share.

2. massively overhaul the welfare system. Make incentives to get and keep a job, and limitations of time for non-handicapped welfare benefits. No more increase of benefits for more welfare children. I don't care if you have to put them on a road crew somewhere; if there is an able-bodied person who can work, they WILL work, or they won't eat.

3. Get the government back to concentrating on only what is needed to keep the country running and safe: Infrastructure, Military, etc. Get them out of everything else. It's not their place.

4. 2-term limitation on all public offices- eliminate career politicians.

5. Tarriff all imports where a domestically made equivalent product is available, and subsidize the American-made product to keep costs in line for consumers.

6. Get out of tribal wars, oil wars, etc. and concentrate on closing and protecting our borders.

7. Illegals: take citizenship through the legal process or GTFO

8. Mandatory death sentences for convicted drug dealers (excluding pot and prescriptions- only hard drugs; heroin, coc, crack, meth, etc.), to be carried out after 1 appeal... eliminate one of the major cancers that robs people of their productivity and control organized crime.

9. Mandatory death sentences for first-hand violent and sex crimes against children, to be carried out after 1 appeal. It's time to make the streets safe again for our kids.

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Almost half the poeple pay no federal taxes now. They have no incentive to restrain spending since they pay nothing. They want more and more "services" from government and they want someone else to pay for it. People who pay no taxes should not be able to vote. They have do dog in the fight.

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I agree the cut in welfare, But its a double edge sword we have created. Those people that would be cut, wont get a job, Im sorry but it wont happen. They will lie cheat and steal before they get a job. Which will increase prison populations thus more money to operate.

I dont have a problem with us spending money on our military. I think we should stop giving money to all these other countries.

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I agree the cut in welfare, But its a double edge sword we have created. Those people that would be cut, wont get a job, Im sorry but it wont happen. They will lie cheat and steal before they get a job.

So shoot them dead before they make more kids.

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I agree the cut in welfare, But its a double edge sword we have created. Those people that would be cut, wont get a job, Im sorry but it wont happen. They will lie cheat and steal before they get a job.

So shoot them dead before they make more kids.

agree, or ship them to Canada

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Here is the problem with increasing taxes for the wealthy, shit rolls down hill. If the owner of a company has his taxes increased $30,000 a year do you think he will really take this cut in pay? Fuck no he will just get rid of 1 employee to make up the difference. The wealthy employ the non wealthy increasing their taxes decreases our earnings.

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Tax increases on the wealthy and or business do not work. It is simply passed on to the consumer in the form of higher product cost or lay offs. And whats even worse if the product cost is pushed above that of a foreign competitor then everyone at that factory gets laid off and they go from paying taxes to drawing unemployment......... a drain on our total revenue.

The rich already pay the vast majority of total tax revenue, the poor pay none, in fact they draw on the system making things worse.

We need tax breaks for the wealthy and a tax increase on foreign products being imported. That would raise the price of imports to the point that american manufacturers could make the same product cheaper and compete with foreign manufacturers. That would create tax paying jobs here in the US.

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tax at equal ammount

cut military spending

eliminate forign aid Its cut to the bone now, it was cut under Bush before he left and cut again under Obama. Its still just a drop in the bucket of whats needed.

make it cost companys MORE to move out of the lower 48 states

The reason they move out now is because it cost too much to operate here. The choice is move or go under. We need to make it cheaper for them to operate here than anywhere else.

if you want to give out tax breaks to some one.... try the lower middle class & lower

It sounds nice but most of those folks dont pay any taxes now. Dont you think we all should contribute something?

I still have never understood why its cheaper for honda & mazda to make thier cars here but GM is in mexico & canada.....


Tax imports, Give breaks to american corporations.........

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Some good points in here, but I'm still gonna need the blockquoter...

My plan to a great America:

1. Flat tax rate for anybody over the poverty line, including business. EVERYBODY pays their fair share.

What would the tax rate be, and would that be with or without a sales/use tax?

2. massively overhaul the welfare system. Make incentives to get and keep a job, and limitations of time for non-handicapped welfare benefits. No more increase of benefits for more welfare children. I don't care if you have to put them on a road crew somewhere; if there is an able-bodied person who can work, they WILL work, or they won't eat.

You can't legislate not having children. I see what you're doing here, and it's well-intentioned, but you'll start seeing a ton of kids pop up with no support structure at all, living off the street. You have to face the realization that not everyone is as bootstrappy as you. Is that what you want your version of America to be?

3. Get the government back to concentrating on only what is needed to keep the country running and safe: Infrastructure, Military, etc. Get them out of everything else. It's not their place.

That's a pretty goddamn big "etc". I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate on that.

4. 2-term limitation on all public offices- eliminate career politicians.

How long would you want the terms to be? I'd go one step further and say that there is a definitive window for campaigning and being on the campaign trail. You can have a group (who's financials are completely transparent) fundraise and do other support things for you in a larger window, but none of this shit of missing votes screwing your constituents while you're running around the US for a year and a half campaigning. Also, by law you have to be present for every vote and roll-call in the House and Senate, and I would hope in the state legislatures as well.

5. Tarriff all imports where a domestically made equivalent product is available, and subsidize the American-made product to keep costs in line for consumers.

Throwing a little socialism in there as well to throw me off, eh? How would you react when the country that imports our products hits us with a tariff in response? I assume you meant for the subsidies to soften the blow from China labor prices to to US labor prices, how much money would you throw at that problem, and for how long? Do you really think it's the government's place to provide goods subsidies "just because?"

These are really one, so...

6. Get out of tribal wars, oil wars, etc. and concentrate on closing and protecting our borders.

7. Illegals: take citizenship through the legal process or GTFO

Are you aware that the current legal process for citizenship takes almost 10 YEARS? Pare that down by, say, 9 years, and you have a case.

8. Mandatory death sentences for convicted drug dealers (excluding pot and prescriptions- only hard drugs; heroin, coc, crack, meth, etc.), to be carried out after 1 appeal... eliminate one of the major cancers that robs people of their productivity and control organized crime.

What are your thoughts about the war on drugs? Civil forfeiture laws? Also, why are you drawing a distinction between harder drugs and prescription drugs? It's just as easy to die from them as it is from crack.

9. Mandatory death sentences for first-hand violent and sex crimes against children, to be carried out after 1 appeal. It's time to make the streets safe again for our kids.

Not sure how I feel about this, so I'm going to let it lie.

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