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Bear’s eating me, girl told mum in call


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You should keep a pocket full of those puppies. In the event a bear chases you just start dropping them on the ground.


Jbot does keep a pocket full of them puppies. I just don't know if he'd share his lunch with a bear. Regardless, he's probably in the clear, I've heard on good authority that bears don't like teriyaki and rice.

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You should keep a pocket full of those puppies. In the event a bear chases you just start dropping them on the ground. Ups drivers do the same thing with dog treats when being chased by pissed off dogs.

I do call the fat one burrito, while not a bad idea for the time being they are going to get big pretty soon

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I'm sorry they died but I think it's bullshit they hunted the mother and cubs down and killed them. If you don't want to get eaten by a bear, stay out of the wild. If you do get eaten, then chalk it up as the food chain and leave the mother and cubs alone.


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