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Look for Pug Pups


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I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I have yet to meet a pug that's dog aggressive. They seem to be one of the only small breeds that knows they're small.

The pug/beagle mix we had was an a-hole though, so anything's possible.

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almost every dog humps at some point. It all depends on if/when they want to assert their dominance. Shouldn't be an ongoing problem unless the dog isn't neutered.

Especially if you introduce a new dog as a puppy, it will learn its place in the pack quite quickly.

We had my dog (Henry), a foster dog (Brutus), and my friend's dog (Armani) for 4 days while my buddy was out of town.

Because it was our house, Henry made it pretty clear that he was running the show. With that established, Brutus started picking on (humping) Armani. Henry actively put a stop to that, and actually put himself between Armani and Brutus. Basically teh dog version of, "if you wanna get to him, you're gonna have to go through me first."

There was no humping or any other issues after the first 4 hours we had them together. Dogs are pack animals by nature. It takes more work to make them a-holes than to socialize them.

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