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My computer won't load


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My computer at work just like shut off the other day. Idk why, just random. Maybe a virus.

But when i shut it off manually (or reset it) it turns off, then starts loads to the screen that shows the mother board (you can get into the bios), and once that screen goes away thats it. It doesnt do anything else.

How do i fix this?

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To fix fried RAM, get new RAM. You can probably borrow some from another computer to test.

To fix a boot sector, you can try booting from something else (cd, flash drive, etc.), running scandisk, or replace the hard drive.

To fix a video card, buy a new video card... or motherboard if you really want to I guess.

Are you comfortable with performing those or do you need more step-by-step instructions? They're all pretty straightforward.

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My computer at work just like shut off the other day. Idk why, just random. Maybe a virus.

But when i shut it off manually (or reset it) it turns off, then starts loads to the screen that shows the mother board (you can get into the bios), and once that screen goes away thats it. It doesnt do anything else.

How do i fix this?

What do you mean by it won't do anything else. Are you left with a courser on a black screen, does it go to the windows splash but hangs?

Gotta agreed with JRMMii, from the limited info and not being there to see it. It sounds like either the hard drive kicked or a ram issue. I haven't seen a vid card cause windows boot issues, most of the ones I have had fail are hard fails and you don't even see the bios load.

For cbrbrent, if you are running win xp and getting a BSOD go to this website and look up the error message you are getting. It is a full list of the codes used by MS and it a good place to start troubleshooting.


Just as a related funny.


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i switched the ram from my computer and another one.

1.) the computer i took it from is a lot older and they don't look the same

2.) The computer didn't even load the motherboard screen with the old ram, put the ram from the computer back in it and it loaded the motherboard page, then stopped and went to a black screen (like its been doing).

The GSkill was in the computer to start


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memory isn't just something that you can switch around even if it's the same kind

aka, ddr, ddr2, ddr3 etc.

the speeds and case latency, their MB capacity, and a few other things play a role also.

you'd have to find a ram that is everything the same basically. some motherboards will not support anything other than one type and maybe 2-3 different speeds.

and since there are so many different designs of motherboards, no 2 computers will behave the same way. so it's impossible for anyone on the net to tell you for sure what the problem is.

the other guys have already mentioned only a few out of probably a dozen things that are often associated with that,

1. ram

2. windows problem

3. cmos battery

4. hard drive failure

5. CPU failure

6. video card failure or not seated all the way

there are many more but the chances become less likely.

out of that list I would put 4 at the top and then 1.

Edited by serpentracer
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I just threw them out.... lol

I am sure you can find one on the net somewhere to download... Just use your cd key.....


Actually I just found my All Versions XP disc.. I can send you a copy just install the version you have a key for and use your key

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is there anyway to go into the bios and extract/delete files?

I probably will just send it to the local computer shop here in town and let them fuck with it, but i have my resume and other job shit (because im looking for another job) and i don't want them to find those files and let my boss know. Plus delete all the porn :lol:

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If you're sure it's the HD, do what was suggested earlier.

1) Set BIOS to boot to a CD or USB stick

2) Put Linux on CD/USB (Knoppix worked well for me in the past)

3) Boot Linux, grab files from hard drive - save to USB stick (same one or another one)

4) Remove porn via:


Larger = better. Large enough to scratch the platters, because a lot of the new HDs these days are pretty good at handling small/medium gaussian fields.

Option 4 is the nuclear option -- you'll never get that hard drive back again, short of some drastic and expensive forensic methods.

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Try tapping F8 while rebooting to get to the recovery menu, if you have a recovery partition you will see it here and you can try to recover if it is a corrupt os file or something. It will be under the repair my computer option. This will erase everything and will take it back to factory settings. This is all assuming you have a partition.

Yu could also try to restore to an earlier date as well from that menu if you don't wanna erase everything but like I said, you may have a corrupt os.

Edited by JStump
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