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Asus laptops any good?


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Never heard of the brand, but they showed some positive reviews on the interwebz. (though outdated). Anyone pc guys have experience w them or know of their reputation? In the market for a new laptop. (can't afford a Mac, so dont bother)

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I have an Asus netbook also. One of the older 8.5 inch screen EeePC models, 2 years old I purchased as a refurb unit. Works great, battery is holding up good on it. I would have no problem looking at one of the bigger laptop models if I was in the market.

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I bought the Mrs. an ASUS at the end of last year to use at school. So far no problems. The only issues I found when I was doing research was that the battery life is less than optimal and they get a little warm. My wife has not complained about either issue.

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Asus started as a motherboard maker and targeted the gamers. Because gamers demand a lot, their shit had to be rock solid. They did well and a few years back moved into the laptop market. I got the son one 2 years ago for x-mas. It has held up well and we have had no issues. I would buy one again.

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I've had an asus K52 laptop for a few months. It was good at first, but there has always been this issue with the mouse/text marker randomly repositioning itself, even with the sensitivity and anti-palming settings tweaked. It makes it very difficult to type anything (it's not user error I promise) more than a few words. I've read you can ditch the factory mousepad driver and just use the windows mouse driver to get rid of it, but then you lose some features/functions. I got a usb mouse and it's not a problem anymore.

Also, recently my screen has started getting weird lines through it, covering about half the display every time it boots or wakes up. Opening a window or dragging the mouse over them makes them go away, but still the laptop isn't even a year old. Otherwise it's pretty solid.They do get pretty warm, and the keyboard is shitty and flexible. Also the screen is about impossible to read in direct sunlight. Supposedly they're better than many others though. Supposedly.

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I just got the entry level 15.6" Asus laptop for $330 at BestBuy:


I like the laptop itself. Coming from a 2 y/o HP. Seems a little slow...though. I'm not familiar with Windows 7 or some of the programs that came preloaded with it. I'm trying to remove all the unecessary stuff slowing it down.

If you already have a wireless router, make sure you turn it off during your initial setup, as there is no switch to turn the wireless off at the laptop. Wouldn't want to get a virus, before you even set your security up.

The laptop itself does not get too warm, because the fan is on a lot and blowing hot exhaust.

I also purchased an external Hard Drive. I just don't trust any computer anymore with important work documents and precious pictures lost throughout the years.

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