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Were In The World Has Putty Gone?????????


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I don't think him and Cleaner took too kindly of that MLK thread. Some were being very rude in that thread. Probably ticked them both off really bad. I noticed they both haven't posted in awhile. I hope they come back, because I happen to appreciate them both being around here. They're good people.

Maybe this thread will bring them back.

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I don't think him and Cleaner took too kindly of that MLK thread. Some were being very rude in that thread. Probably ticked them both off really bad. I noticed they both haven't posted in awhile. I hope they come back, because I happen to appreciate them both being around here. They're good people.

Maybe this thread will bring them back.

I don't know about Putty, but Cleaner is 'ok' in my book. :p

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I don't think him and Cleaner took too kindly of that MLK thread. Some were being very rude in that thread. Probably ticked them both off really bad. I noticed they both haven't posted in awhile. I hope they come back, because I happen to appreciate them both being around here. They're good people.

Maybe this thread will bring them back.

If I have anything to do with em not posting recently, I'd like to personally apologize for anything in that thread that they took offense to, that i said. we be cool i hope:cool:

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WOW... it took me forever to read all that. OK, well you can delete that all again and my post as well. I didnt mean to bring up bad feelings just wanted to see were Putty was. Thats a lot of drama for one post. Thanks for the update Satan but ya you were correct to delete it. Way off base for this forum.

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There is more to it then that Satan and you know it... I wont discuss the details but you know as well as I do that it was not just that thread. It was how that thread was treated....

Putty freaked and moved it to the admin/mods section. I got fifteen to twenty PMs asking why I moved it. I didn't. So, I moved it back, and sent Putty a PM saying I moved it back because there was no racism. I checked with others to make sure it wasn't racist. We all agreed it needed closed, but not moved. Putty freaked more. No rules were broken. I agreed with closing it. Not moving it so nobody could see. I tried calling Putty to talk about it in person. He wouldn't answer. Two sides to every story hombre. The only person who had a problem with the way I treated that thread was Putty. He made a post in the mods/admins section saying he was done with me and this board instead of calling me personally. We gave Putty a week to cool off and see if he'd come back. He didn't, so we removed him as a moderator. Whether he'll come back or not, I have no idea. Its a shame really.

So, there's the soap opera. Stupid drama over a fucking word. I'll say honky and cracka all day long, but God forbid someone asks an honest question. To whites, the n-word means nothing. Hell, the Irish were the first to be called the n-word. It simply means any socially, economically, or politically deprived ethnicity. To blacks it has grown to mean much more. Just like the noose. Nooses hung white folks and american indians WAY before any blacks. But somehow now nooses are a sign of hatred and racism towards blacks. I don't get it. Neither do most white people. So asking the honest question is most certainly not racism. Most black guys I know could care less about the word unless you're calling them one. Then its game on. That I understand. This situation, not so much. What ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?

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Not to bring up a dead issue, but that thread was really ignorant & it turned ugly. Maybe I should have voiced my opinions in that thread, maybe not. I chose not to because I refuse to choose sides in a racewar. Yes I said war because that's what it turned into - 1 side vs another.

I can't believe that thread lasted so long (Satan isn't the only person who can stop shit). He also isn't responsible for anyone other than himself and I don't know why people forget that fact.

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I really do apologize for that post (it seems that, thats the reason he's not with us anymore), it wasnt a personal attack on anyone, and i tried to make that clear. Putty was a cool guy, I enjoyed riding with him last season and the advice he gave me. hopefully he'll return and not hold anything against anyone on this forum, or me personally. group hug :confused:

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Guest MotoGP Tix

All that crap was stoopid, and Id be pissed if I was a person of color also...

THE N word IS MORE than a word, and I dotn go around saying cracker, or honkey , or beaner, or any of those racially charged words.. Frankly I dont care if ANYONE thinks it was racist..

If a person of color thinks its racist DISCUSSION OVER, thats good enough for me on a motorcycle board

How are we all going to be buddies, and shake hands and ride / party together, if we argue so much ?

A separate flame area to boot, to throw flame on the fire IMO

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THE N word IS MORE than a word, and I dotn go around saying cracker, or honkey , or beaner, or any of those racially charged words.. Frankly I dont care if ANYONE thinks it was racist..

I got banned for fighting with someone awhile ago because I got pissed because they were throwing around racial words such as cracker and honkey and shit. I don't see the purpose of them except if you're just acting ignorant and stupid, or trailer park.

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All that crap was stoopid, and Id be pissed if I was a person of color also...

THE N word IS MORE than a word, and I dotn go around saying cracker, or honkey , or beaner, or any of those racially charged words.. Frankly I dont care if ANYONE thinks it was racist..

If a person of color thinks its racist DISCUSSION OVER, thats good enough for me on a motorcycle board

How are we all going to be buddies, and shake hands and ride / party together, if we argue so much ?

A separate flame area to boot, to throw flame on the fire IMO


This thread is going in the same direction.................... Enjoy the video folks. Closed.

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