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US spends 455 million on party poppers for rebels

kawi kid

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This is one of those things that makes me look at our government and I just want to pound my head against the wall. Granted when you have already spent yourself into oblivion what's another 455 million?

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I think that's a ploy to prove someone's point. most people will believe anything no matter how preposterous it is.

like a lot of the other political bs being spread around.

I think it might just have proved the opposite - that the truth is often so preposterous, especially where our government is concerned, that no wild claim is beyond the possibility of being true.

Nothing surprises me any more, especially with the lunatics running the show.

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I think that's a ploy to prove someone's point. most people will believe anything no matter how preposterous it is.

like a lot of the other political bs being spread around.

Like I said before I heard it from a podcast I listen to daily. Thjis is the first thing I have ever heard from the show after 160 episodes that wasn't true. Plus field and stream isn't usually the place for political satire either.

So yeah I guess I bought it. But like swingset said is this really that out of the question from our government? I think not. They spent our money on much worse, you can trust me on that.

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