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Help me out, Ninja 650R('s)


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Suzuki made the Gladius. I think they sold 3, maybe 4 of them.

I saw one on a showroom floor for $4600. It's the name and color-schemes. A lesson in what not to do with one of the best selling bikes... the SV650.

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Both bikes are pretty ugly :)

I disagree. I think both are nice looking bikes but I do prefer the ER-6n.

The Versys and Vstrom are the ugly bikes in the families, but functionally and comfort wise those are the ones I prefer. Which is why I ride a Vstrom :D


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SV650s> Ninja 650r

OK school me on them then. I am a honda guy and dont venture toward much unless it has wings or is really cheap.

The 650R is a twin cylinder? so does that make the SV a twin? I am assuming so, when I saw Tpoppa's SV1 It was (and I kind of knew that) but do not know if I have seen the 650?

This is for a very in-experienced rider. She will get the XR while she is learning and I will give her whatever I come up with after that.

(I have looked at a older 90's model Katana that Big3 has, But being a inline 4 I am thinking it would have too much pep for her to graduate from a single into that)?

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SV650s> Ninja 650r

650r's crash into dirt embankments way better than SV650's though!

Anyway, I owned a 650r for several years and loved the bike. Insurance was pretty cheap - I owned it from probably 19 to 22 years old and didn't have a clean record at any point during my ownership, and even with all that going against me it was way lower than supersports and superbikes. I won't bother quoting numbers because they vary so much from person to person, but I'd be willing to wager that 650's (R or SV) are probably one of best balances of power/sportyness and insurance you'll find.

Definitely worth considering if you want something fun, affordable, and liveable. Won't keep up with supersports on a track with lots of room to wind it out (tight tracks and real-world road riding you wont care about the lack of top-end), but it also won't break the bank when you wad it up and it also won't break your ass when you ride a 500+ mile day.

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SV650/s is a V-Twin

A lot more around since the 650r only started production in the states in 09.

SV650 equals cheaper bike, cheaper parts due to more parts on the used market for that first wreck or upgrades.

I started on the sv650s. I learned a lot and it didn't let me get out of control on the throttle. Very forgiving bike for a first rider. I had 14k miles on mine and wasn't looking to upgrade.

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