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Cleveland city hall strikes again


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Check out this bullshit. Once again the morons that run Cleveland are doing their part to destroy the city from the inside out. Good job assholes whats next, no alcohol is allowed to be served in bars? Are you idiots going to ban the use of cards in the casino when it opens? How about you guys invest city money into buying a nuke to set off right in the middle of the city, that way you can empty it out and completely fuck everybody much quicker


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just keep that loud music down, and keep the fuck off my lawn.

but for serial, why would you live downtown or near downtown if you didn't want to be near the heart of activity? people don't live in NYC because they want a big yard and some personal space. if you want peace and quiet but work downtown, suck it up, make the not-that-shitty drive into downtown and live about 25-30 minutes away. like so many other places, i like my exposure to the city in small doses, but during that time, i like to be bombarded with noise, violence, food, expense, and homelessness.

my guess is that it has a lot more to do with the city budget than actual quality of living. looks like after the shake down of the previous corrupt and inept government, the next batch of raa-tards are flexing their fingers. ghey, typical.

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just keep that loud music down, and keep the fuck off my lawn.

but for serial, why would you live downtown or near downtown if you didn't want to be near the heart of activity? people don't live in NYC because they want a big yard and some personal space. if you want peace and quiet but work downtown, suck it up, make the not-that-shitty drive into downtown and live about 25-30 minutes away. like so many other places, i like my exposure to the city in small doses, but during that time, i like to be bombarded with noise, violence, food, expense, and homelessness.

my guess is that it has a lot more to do with the city budget than actual quality of living. looks like after the shake down of the previous corrupt and inept government, the next batch of raa-tards are flexing their fingers. ghey, typical.

basically all of this

secondly, the actual city of Cleveland is fucking retarded but the burbs are just fine in NEO

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There was lots of cheering when the Browns beat the Dolphins. They still won't give us bottled beer in the stadium though...meh. Wimps.

All the action in Cleveland has been pushed out to the burbs. The once very happening flats died when the cops got into a pissin contest with the mayor and stopped patrolling the streets down there. A few shootings later and boom. Flats are a bunch of empty buildings. Cleveland politicians try to get their palms greased at every turn and are as corrupt as the day is long. Result? Downtown is dead, and will stay that way for a long time.

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at least we're not Detroit :dunno:

You say that like cleveland is better?


I guess they have you beat pretty good in the murders but I bet most of that were the people bringing all the other numbers up, so that might be a bad thing

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Yeah, the NE part of Ohio sucks.

I would argue that the politicians in Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati suck! There are lots of good people in these cities, but they keep electing morons! Cleveland though has to be the armpit of Ohio!

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Soon to come next is the "no cheering" ( to keep the noise down ) at baseball and football games.

Actually channel 5 is reporting that a guy was kicked out of the game last Sunday for "standing too much."

officially, the Browns do have a fan conduct policy that says excessive standing (and blocking the view of those behind you) is cause for removal.

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All the action in Cleveland has been pushed out to the burbs. The once very happening flats died when the cops got into a pissin contest with the mayor and stopped patrolling the streets down there. A few shootings later and boom. Flats are a bunch of empty buildings. Cleveland politicians try to get their palms greased at every turn and are as corrupt as the day is long. Result? Downtown is dead, and will stay that way for a long time.

The fact that people kept drowning trying to win drunk bets about who would swim from one bank to the other probably didn't help.

a stronger police presence would have corrected some of that, along with reducing crime; but that takes funding. How many Clevelanders are voting for higher taxes?

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