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Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler


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No, he didn't.

He compared Boehner and Obama golfing together to the unlikely pairing of Hitler, and a Jew golfing together.

People are really reaching on this... I am no Hank Williams Jr. fan; in fact, I think he came across as a total moron, but he never said anything close to "Obama's like Hitler."

any odd-couple could have been substituted into that analogy. David Duke and Farrakhan, an OSU football player and a Michigan football player, Keith Olberman and Rush Limbaugh, etc.

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He compared Boehner and Obama golfing together to the unlikely pairing of Hitler, and a Jew golfing together
The guy should really keep his mouth closed

10000% accurate on both accounts. ESPN probably gives the liberals a shit ton of money so they had no choice. I don't fault ESPN for doing it, but at the same time I think its something incredibly petty to be newsworthy

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<sigh> I see the rational fairy has already visited this thread. Let's see if I can still :stirpot:

When do you think the Tea Partiers are going to claim Hank's First Amendment Rights are being infringed upon?



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That was painful to watch...er attempt to listen to. I'm all for people having opinions, but I don't think we need to make statements about our President as the "Enemy". IMO that's a bit much.

This really just reminded me of every local news story that interviews people on the street. They always seem to find the craziest person available and ask them serious questions. It never turns out well.

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This really just reminded me of every local news story that interviews people on the street. They always seem to find the craziest person available and ask them serious questions. It never turns out well.

And usually they're um...urban..so this is a refreshing change of pace. :D

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I think the funniest part was when they were talking about Roseanne Barr earlier in the program and said something to the effect of "Why do we care what celebrities think anyway?" (since they didn't agree with her viewpoint)

"Now welcome Hank Williams Junior to the program..."

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I think the funniest part was when they were talking about Roseanne Barr earlier in the program and said something to the effect of "Why do we care what celebrities think anyway?" (since they didn't agree with her viewpoint)

"Now welcome Hank Williams Junior to the program..."

hahaha yeah i saw that too. i was like wtf.

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WTF... So much for freedom of speech in this country. I forgot we are under the Oboma regimen.

Capitalism! You can say whatever you want to as long as you dont make a comment about me.

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WTF... So much for freedom of speech in this country. I forgot we are under the Oboma regimen.

Capitalism! You can say whatever you want to as long as you dont make a comment about me.

I hope you're being sarcastic.

Hank is allowed to say whatever he wants, he's not in jail for it -- the gov't didn't punish him.

But, no one said there wasn't going to be other consequences for it.

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I hope you're being sarcastic.

Hank is allowed to say whatever he wants, he's not in jail for it -- the gov't didn't punish him.

But, no one said there wasn't going to be other consequences for it.

I am kind-of.

I think its bullshit that there has to be consequences so someones feelings dont get hurt.

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I guess I don't recall Obama :cry:-ing over what HWJ said :dunno:

This was ESPN's decision. I haven't read their statement, but I would assume ESPN doesn't sanction hyperbolic hate speech for some economic reason.

Personally, I'm so desensitized to the whole Godwin's law (ie. "compare [Obama / Bush / Insert political leader that you don't like here] to Hitler") that I don't care. It's lost it's sting.

In fact, I don't think what HWJ said was even that bad. One could argue it wasn't a direct comparison of Obama to Hitler, but more of an illustration of the dichotomy of Dems/Reps being similar to Nazis/Jews. But because of the way he said it, Obama is to Hitler as Boehner is to Netanyahu (sp?) it's considered derogatory.

I guess I don't think the hillbilly that is HWJ is smart enough to concern himself with sentence structure to make that implication -- so whatever. You think things would've been different if HWJ would've switched the phrasing to pair Obama with Netanyahu and Boehner with Hitler? Same effect, I suppose :dunno:

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I hope you're being sarcastic.

Hank is allowed to say whatever he wants, he's not in jail for it -- the gov't didn't punish him.

But, no one said there wasn't going to be other consequences for it.

^ thank the fucking lord someone else pointed this out.

One of my track buddy's brothers was bitching about ESPN ignoring Hank's constitutional right to free speech.

I tried to be nice while explaining it, but the guy just didn't want to hear logic.

I think I ALMOST got through to him when I said, "listen, I can say horrible things about your mother, and my comments are constitutionally protected free speech. But that doesn't mean I should be surprised when you jack me in the face. ESPN just jacked Hank Williams in the face."

There are a lot of things that are legal that I would still get fired for. I can't crack open a beer at my desk, fuck my CEO's daughter, or be rude to clients...

Hank Williams can have all the moronic opinions he wants, but his employer is under no obligation to tolerate the bad publicity it generates.

Now if he tries to claim he's being discriminated against (by ESPN) for his views, that might be a different story... The distinction would be that they can't fire him for BELIEVING something. They CAN fire him for SAYING something that draws negative attention to their company.

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