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Iranian presence off the Atlantic Coast?


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Iran a few weeks ago said they were sending their submarines.

But then somebody pointed out that would be a one way trip,

not enough fuel to get back or do much of anything when here.

What? Going to pull in to Boston and fill it up? Don't think so.

I'd like to see one of their tiny frigates squeezed between two nuke carriers...

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Atlantic vs Pacific. You do realize that Atlantic is the eastern coast and not cali right?

Yes but you know how the rulers of California are, they would probably send tugs to bring them to their side of the U.S.

I probably shouldn't run down that state because I have a couple friends out there and I'm sure they're not all bad.

But, then again here is another one, http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=84113

Edited by bandit12
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Iran a few weeks ago said they were sending their submarines.

But then somebody pointed out that would be a one way trip,

not enough fuel to get back or do much of anything when here.

What? Going to pull in to Boston and fill it up? Don't think so.

I'd like to see one of their tiny frigates squeezed between two nuke carriers...

Thats what I was thinking, however the fact that they are even ballsy enough to threaten it is what worries me. Supposedly their boats are now also outfitted with cruise missles

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These dipshits won't get even half as close as it takes to use those missiles. We have the best military in the world, our navy hasn't met its match in generations. These guys will never enter the gulf, I bet they anchor way out thousands of miles in international waters. This is a publicity stunt, "hey look, we have navy!" Nothing more.

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in the article, the pentagon spokesman said they are free to put their ships wherever they want - that includes the gulf. what makes you think they wont? doesnt matter if our military was made of cyborgs, we gave them permission

Pentagon spokesman, Captain John Kirby, said: 'We've been pushing freedom of the seas for years and the Iranian navy can go wherever it wants.'
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