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Verizon or AT&T


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Verizon, without a doubt.

Never ever ever had a single problem.

I don't ever see leaving them.

I dropped my Droid X a month ago and they sold me the new Bionic for the same price as my "New Every Two", $249, even though I was only 8 months into my Droid X contract. I had to speak to a manager over it, and I had to send my X back, but that was fine by me.

I'm more than satisfied.

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for the discount, I'd make the change.

My phone sucks in the justice center, but others get reception there. I have NO PRAYER at getting a signal. Could be AT&T, and could be my phone.

My wife has the same phone on Verizon, and seems to have better signal than me; but work pays for mine on AT&T, so I deal with it.

how much are you saving for an unknown signal quality?

if it's $15/month or more, I'd do it...

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Wow lots of opinions. Needless to say it sounds like either way I go it wont be bad. I dont have a smart phone and dont plan on getting a smart phone. With that said, the discount was through work. I've asked Verizon if they will beat the discount and they wont.... So I think I'll be switching.

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I hardly ever have signal issues with verizon, boost may have signal but they have so many issues with text and web. A few people I know that have sprint and boost dont get most text messages till like an hour after they are sent. At&t is not bad I switched from them to verizon. Vzw is a little more expensive but you get what you pay for

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I have ATT and there are good and bad things about it. The good things are I have very poor service with both Verizon and ATT at my house but ATT gave me a micro cell so I can get almost full bars now. You can't get that on Verizon. I have a shit load of roll over minutes so I have the lowest plan they have which saves me money. I always seem to have great service in building, especially at work in Cleveland. I can get full bars in most of the building where as Verizon is currently retro fitting the building with antennas because the service is sooo bad inside. My data speeds are almost always 1/3rd faster than my buddy with the Verizon iPhone, we have tested this several times and I am always faster.

The bad, I can almost never make a phone call on the first try. I always have to hang up and try again because it will just say "calling" for like a minute strait and then fail. Usually the second time works, mind you I have the iPhone 4 so who knows if thats the reason or not. Receiving calls however is not a problem. If I have 1 bar and someone with Verizon has 1 bar, chances are the Verizon person can make a call but I can't. Basements are the enemy for ATT, I can never get signal in basements.

Thats all I can think of right now, over all I am neither happy or unhappy about ATT. It works pretty well for what I use it for but its not perfect.

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