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Need some help on "face crook"


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Don't worry it's not hard.:D If your on face book I need people to go to Leo Vince (http://www.facebook.com/LeoVinceUSA) face book page and like them first then like my video, Ride to stay fit. If you actually watch it and do like it all the better. :lol: Thanks.:bow:

Apparently if you don't like the Leo Vince site first you can't see the video.:nono:

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I have no clue unless you have to friend the site? If that's the case it answers why the first video I put up had 2 votes while a Leo Vince user had over 100.:nono:

So that seems to be their trick. You have to "friend the site" before you can vote I guess. So far only those who have liked them seem to have liked the video too. Couldn't just make it easy could they?

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smae here... no luck finding it and I liked the page

That's messed up it is right at the top of their wall for me and two others who've liked it. :wtf:

Well, here's the video if you still wanna see it.



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Can someone help me figure this out? The only thing I can see that might result in this is needing to click the "Everyone most recent" button near the top right of the page?

Here is what I see. My video is the one with the orange dalmation avitar, Topo Lake


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still nothing, even after clicking that

i use FF, just tried Chrome and same result

and i see comments from other people, just not from you...like theres a guy asking if they carry an exhaust for some china bike...and a woman posted a race video etc....youre just not showing up

maybe its in your privacy settings where people cant see posts you make if they arent your friend or something, idk

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still nothing, even after clicking that

i use FF, just tried Chrome and same result

and i see comments from other people, just not from you...like theres a guy asking if they carry an exhaust for some china bike...and a woman posted a race video etc....youre just not showing up

maybe its in your privacy settings where people cant see posts you make if they arent your friend or something, idk

Well, I just switched to public so we'll see.

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