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Lesbian couple giving child hormone blockers


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...yup, that's right. All so their son can decide if he wants to be a girl. :nono:

Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

I usually try to stay out of shit like this but com'on. I thought gay couples would not push their views or lifestyles on others, especially children. At least that's how it has been. Now, here's a lesbo couple keeping their son from becoming just that all because at 3 years old he said he was a girl. HE'S 3 YEARS OLD! DOES HE REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT HE'S SAYING!?!? I highly suspect seeing his parents as two females that he drew something from that.

If you wanna be gay, so be it. But after this I think gay couples should not be able to have kids. You're born with what you have and that should be enough to define if you're a male or female....period.

Flame away.

Edited by r1crusher
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...yup, that's right. All so their son can decide if he wants to be a girl. :nono:

Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

I usually try to stay out of shit like this but com'on. I thought gay couples would not push their views or lifestyles on others, especially children. At least that's how it has been. Now, here's a lesbo couple keeping their son from becoming just that all because at 3 years old he said he as a girl. HE'S 3 YEARS OLD! DOES HE REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT HE'S SAYING!?!? I highly suspect seeing his parents as two females that he drew something from that.

If you wanna be gay, so be it. But after this I think gay couples should nygot be able to have kids. You're born with what you have and that should be enough to define if you're a male or female....period.

Flame away.

Can't group all by the irresponsible acts of some.

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Who am I to decide?

We as motorcycle riders get grouped all the time because of the type of bike we ride. It's okay to be grouped but not to group? I know one bad apple should not spoil the bunch, but if you don't pull out that apple it will eventually spoil the rest.

So you don't care that this "couple" is causing their child both physical and mental abuse? I just want to understand your side is all.

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We as motorcycle riders get grouped all the time because of the type of bike we ride. It's okay to be grouped but not to group? I know one bad apple should not spoil the bunch, but if you don't pull out that apple it will eventually spoil the rest.

So you don't care that this "couple" is causing their child both physical and mental abuse? I just want to understand your side is all.

I think that what this couple is doing is horribly wrong and perhaps criminal. But I disagree with the statement that no gay couples should have children. Be a loving parent. Model good behavior. Teach ethics and morals. Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. I'm already further into this conversation than I want to be.

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I think that what this couple is doing is horribly wrong and perhaps criminal. But I disagree with the statement that no gay couples should have children. Be a loving parent. Model good behavior. Teach ethics and morals. Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. I'm already further into this conversation than I want to be.

Sorry to have dragged you kicking and screaming to the thread you posted in. :D

But, thanks for the reply in all seriousness. I would agree that doing the ethical and moral thing would be the right thing to do. But the simple fact that the parents are in an unnatural relationship breaks the morality thing from the go. I'd love to see a study of gays and lesbians with children which looks at how the parents relationship effects that of the children. I think that it would show that those children would follow the behaviors set by their parents and look for an alternative life style.

I still stand my my statement though, sorry.

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IP, a child's impression from an abusive relationship regardless of it being straight or alternative is bad, period.

Let me ask you this. Do you think that this boy would be in this situation if he were in a straight household?

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Let me help you' date=' then. They do.

I'm not saying this child is/is not having issues with gender identification. I can't say. All I can say is I believe these mothers aren't allowing this child's personality and intellect to mature enough before introducing unnecessary drugs into his system. Maybe a little male role model influence is just what the doctor ordered. I am merely speculating, as I have no idea what people are in this child's life.

As a parent, I feel they are jumping the gun. I think this is a case of "monkey-see, monkey-do" and they are trying to protect him from an extremely difficult lifestyle change later on in life. The 'sooner the better', if you will. However, lots of little girls act like little boys when they're young. Shit, my wife still thinks she's a boy... and she's 32 years old.

I'm not suggesting this child isn't uneasy with his role as a boy. I'm just saying he [i']might be too young to really comprehend what he's requesting, and a little self-confidence building could be all he's really in need of. Lots of children are insecure with themselves. I just think his mothers are jumping in line from 'Step 1' to 'Step 7' (not sure how many steps, actually)

Of course they do, I was being sarcastic.

I agree with everything you have said, IP. But, I honestly believe that there would be a greatly reduced chance of this sort of thing happening (and by thing I mean the parents entertaining the idea of giving their child hormone blocking drugs because of something they said at age 3) in a traditional household. That's the point I'm trying to make. And that's why I said that alternative couples should not be allowed to have children. I believe that alternative life styles are choices. Subjecting an impressionable child to those choices can potentially cause them irreputable damage in their later life.

Your physical being is what you have not because of a choice, but because of nature.

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