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Lesbian couple giving child hormone blockers


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But after this I think gay couples should not be able to have kids.

After this? So before it, you were OK with it? And these 2 people are changing your mind about all other gay couples?

You're born with what you have and that should be enough to define if you're a male or female....period.

Actually some people are both a little extra. Yes, honestly. They have both sexual organs. It's often (or has been, historically) the doctor's decision which organs stay. In cases such as this, the doctor can choose the sex of the person they just delivered... but never the gender. That, if the doctor chose incorrectly, needs to be helped along with hormones.

But my point is this: Sometimes, although you're born with what you're born with, it's NOT enough to determine male/female gender. Sometimes the body doesn't match the soul.

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First' date=' I believe your physical being is your property to do with whatever you choose.

Second, and this is the important part of my post.. next to the first part, which is just as important as this part...

What about 'traditional households' where children are beaten, molested, neglected, etc? How would you determine which adults were/were not suited to appropriately raise a child? Do they automatically get a free pass from your belief system? I'm talking about good, wholesome, heterosexual people and not some heathen fagot couple.[/quote']

First, "heathen fagot couples" is a bit over the top even for me. I do not label these people that way so I please ask that others don't either. You might think I'm an ass for this whole thread and my opinions but we can keep it civil.

Again, Pauly you're right. It is your property to do with as you please. But as children, they're not capable of making such decisions about their bodies. That's why they have parents to make those decisions. We are acting as the guardians of their bodies until such time that they can make cognitive and rational decisions on their own.

And I'll answer your question, again, for the second time since you're trying to draw some line between what you keep asking about and these lesbian parents. It's wrong, period, for anything physically/mentally done to a child which harms them. There are laws against what you keep bringing up. There should be laws against keeping this couple from doing what they're doing to this child. I'm pretty sure if you personally knew of a child's neglect you'd do what's best for that child and call the authorities. I would do the same, I bet anyone would. They get no free pass. Anyone who hurts innocent children should be punished, traditional OR alternative households.

If your opinion is that anyone can have children. I can respect that. I just have a different one. But I know you've been to the store and seen some woman toting around 5-6 kids all acting out like wild animals and you said to yourself, "That woman shouldn't of been allowed to breed." ;)

After this? So before it, you were OK with it? And these 2 people are changing your mind about all other gay couples?

Actually some people are both a little extra. Yes, honestly. They have both sexual organs. It's often (or has been, historically) the doctor's decision which organs stay. In cases such as this, the doctor can choose the sex of the person they just delivered... but never the gender. That, if the doctor chose incorrectly, needs to be helped along with hormones.

But my point is this: Sometimes, although you're born with what you're born with, it's NOT enough to determine male/female gender. Sometimes the body doesn't match the soul.

Josh, I was never "okay" with it. My opinion has always been the same. Infants that have both sexual organs have had some level of abnormality occur as a fetus. There are any number of things that could cause this, but it's typically due to something that didn't occur naturally. These cases are rare and not exactly what we're discussing or rather how I'm a hateful ignorant person possibly. I don't buy into the whole "soul" thing, sorry. It's a choice in it's most simple form, albeit one that can be shaped by outside influences, it's still a choice. I have/had friends there are gay and that's a choice they made. I still feel that they should not have kids.

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My comment was merely satire. I don't think I need to put an "eyeroll" emoticon after everything I type' date=' do I?

I never said what this couple is doing is right. I said you can't judge all homosexual couples based off one isolated couple.[/quote']

Yes, you do! :p They are necessary or people will take "tone" out of something they read mistakenly sometimes.

And I accept your opinion. Hypothetically, if after this story broke it was shown that things like this were happening a lot more than you had previously thought, do you think your opinion would ever change? Just curious.

What if you're "gay for pay" like Jbot?

Doesn't count, besides we all know you're his best customer. :eek:

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