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Declaration of independence Illegal?

kawi kid

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The Declaration of Independence was not only illegal, but actually treasonable.

Uhm... I don't have a degree in history or anything (wait a minute, yes I do!), but I'm pretty sure that treason was the point. *sigh* :nono: Now that their prince is married, the UK has nothing better to do than to slander our founding fathers... again.

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If Texas declared independence followed by an 8 year war that ended with the USA signing a treaty and pulling all troops out of Texas I dont think legality would really matter.

When Texas rejoined the US, Texas reserved the right to succeed.

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When Texas rejoined the US, Texas reserved the right to succeed.

:nono: Damn you and your facts. Let's try this again

If Montana declared independence followed by an 8 year war that ended with the USA signing a treaty and pulling all troops out of Montana I dont think legality would really matter.

Better? :D

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:nono: Damn you and your facts. Let's try this again

If Montana declared independence followed by an 8 year war that ended with the USA signing a treaty and pulling all troops out of Montana I dont think legality would really matter.

Better? :D

As a previous resident of Montana, I'd like to point out that war would not last 8 years. We would be free in a few short weeks!

Seriously though, I don't think anyone would notice if Montana left the union. We are pretty damn independent as it is....

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The Declaration was an act of treason.

Since the war for Independence was won by the conspirators(thanks to the French and Germans, both of whom just wanted to kill the British), the US became an independent nation.

Political discussions on Historical events are just another way for the idle to waste their time, instead they should be working on real issues....economy, environment, famine, war....take your pick....

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Didn't we steal Texas from Mexico anyways? :dunno:


if you listen to Texas history, when Tejas was still part of Mexico, a whole bunch of illegal immigrants from the US settled in Tejas. The population was so lopsided, the most common language spoken was English. Then, the majority of people decided to secede from Mexico to form their own Republic, the Republic of Texas. That Republic then decided to join the United States of America....

Please remember, History is written by the victors, and then examined many years later...and argued...and argued...and argued....

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if you listen to Texas history, when Tejas was still part of Mexico, a whole bunch of illegal immigrants from the US settled in Tejas. The population was so lopsided, the most common language spoken was English. Then, the majority of people decided to secede from Mexico to form their own Republic, the Republic of Texas. That Republic then decided to join the United States of America....

Please remember, History is written by the victors, and then examined many years later...and argued...and argued...and argued....

Huh. Kinda sounds familiar. :lol:

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The Declaration was an act of treason.

Since the war for Independence was won by the conspirators(thanks to the French and Germans, both of whom just wanted to kill the British), the US became an independent nation.

Political discussions on Historical events are just another way for the idle to waste their time, instead they should be working on real issues....economy, environment, famine, war....take your pick....


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