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Anti-Fat Towns


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Actually sometimes you don't even have to eat much and you can be fat. Thyroid issues are huge in society. Some are slow and some are fast. Hell there's issues of people being overweight then their thyroid gets fucked up and then they keep losing weight no matter how much they eat. The reverse also happens which is more relevant now.

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Actually sometimes you don't even have to eat much and you can be fat. Thyroid issues are huge in society. Some are slow and some are fast. Hell there's issues of people being overweight then their thyroid gets fucked up and then they keep losing weight no matter how much they eat. The reverse also happens which is more relevant now.

True, but you can be FAT and FIT. You can be THIN and UNFIT too. The only difference is you can tell an UNFIT fat person from a FIT one. It's much harder with skinny people.

Coming from an ex-fatty (which, it seems I'm working my way back up to being one), no matter what your situation, it's your lifestyle that has to be healthy. Most people who are obese (due to thyroid/metabolism/any other excuse or issue you can come up with), still don't live a generally healthy lifestyle.

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Actually there really aren't that many cases of people with thyroid issues in relation to the number of fat people there are. You'll definitely hear people tell you all the time they have thyroid problems though. I always ask, "Oh wow that sucks. Which medication are you on?" The look on their face is priceless. If you have a true diagnosed thyroid issue you're almost guaranteed to be on a medication because of it.

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Oh that dog was SOLID dude. She died April 19, 2004 though. She was a ROT and CHOW mix. That's her fluffy fur. She was brutal around other dogs though, always went for the kill and I've even bounced beer cans off her head a few times and they'd spray everywhere and she'd keep fighting until I finally would bodyslam her to get her off the other dog. Her name was NIKITA. Damn I miss that dog. We have her ashes in the living room. That picture is bad though of her because I was holding her collar and she was lunging forward trying to get away.

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At 6'0... I've bounced anywhere from 174lbs to up to 220lbs, also an athlete my entire life. There's still no excuse for being fat AND out of shape. At 275, as long as you're active then no one cares, just like you said. Its just that I don't want your fatass on an airplane next to me, when my company won't spring for 1st class, wheezing in my face and your love rolls spilling over in my seat. That's the true test. If I have to lift your spare tire out of the way to buckle my seatbelt, then you're fat. I think everyone can see the difference between a BIG guy and a FAT guy.

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Judging from all the people on here, there's not a lot of productive work getting done on a Monday afternoon...we're busy discussing important health topics. No fat chicks!

You would be correct at that.

I am just sitting here at work thinking I really have no desire to go home and workout, as usual. Working out alone sucks, even if I am always alone and should be used to it.

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Agree fusion, parents should raise kids with better eating habits.

I wish mine would have told me no food for you.. Just shut up and go to bed...

I wasn't a junk food eater or a lot of fast food till I started working and going to school.

I wasn't a gamer type kid either, I played football after school, roller hockey, ect...

We just always ate late like 8:00 or so. They should have told me to skip lunches, maybe that would have worked.

I lost 110 pounds from my heaviest but I have put on 50 of it back, and can't seem to get myself to do it again.....

Most times now I just want to take a long walk off a very tall building.

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