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Anti-Fat Towns


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Here's a picture of her at attention Dweezel. Though it looks like I'm humping her...:lol:


Dude, Quit humping the dog :slap:

Looks like she got mostly chow bloodline, One of my dogs is fat, the far one in my avatar, the other is ROCK solid. pretty interesting seeing as how they get exactly the same everything, food, amount of food, exercise, EVERYTHING, their from different litters, different parents too, so there is def some genetic variance to size.

I've been over 200lbs since I was a sophomore, I'm not fat, but I'm no work out nut by any means, and have been in better shape especially right out of HS, but I've been 6'2", 245 since I've graduated, it's just moved around a little since then :lol: I've been getting concerned, so last month I started doing push-ups/crunches several days a week, and I dusted off the treadmill last week, and got it all setup going to start running again, probably today, make it a MWF thing. :cheers:

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I am just sitting here at work thinking I really have no desire to go home and workout, as usual. Working out alone sucks, even if I am always alone and should be used to it.

I workout at the gym AT work. At least you get to go home and watch TV or crank the tunes while you lift or run. So not only do I have to suffer through another hour of mundane-ness (which probably isn't even a word) I have another 1.5 hours I spend here in the gym 5-days a week. I'm never home before 6:30PM.

But, it's all about doing my part to look fly for the ladies, right? :cool:

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I workout at the gym AT work. At least you get to go home and watch TV or crank the tunes while you lift or run. So not only do I have to suffer through another hour of mundane-ness (which probably isn't even a word) I have another 1.5 hours I spend here in the gym 5-days a week. I'm never home before 6:30PM.

But, it's all about doing my part to look fly for the ladies, right? :cool:

You work out at the Gym alone??? When I was going strong I was working out about 1.5 hours alone every night. And most times i just played PS2 while i was on the exercise bike for an 1-2 hours. Not having anyone to BS with after 1-2 years of working out got old.

The only way I could look fly is to dress in a fly costume.

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You work out at the Gym alone??? When I was going strong I was working out about 1.5 hours alone every night. And most times i just played PS2 while i was on the exercise bike for an 1-2 hours. Not having anyone to BS with after 1-2 years of working out got old.

I never minded working out alone, I used to... but now, there's still a few stragglers that are keeping up with their New Years Resolutions (which I'm sure will be done shortly, as soon as the nice weather hits). And I convinced the ol' lady to come in and workout -- but that's more for MY benefit :D

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I don't know if I wanna know what you SOUTHERN Ohio boys are up to...:sheepfucker:

Just messing though, Nick -- we shouldn't bust chops about a guys dead dog. It was probably a good one.

She was like a best friend man. Definitely a GREAT dog. I think about her all the time, even though I have a new one.:(

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Dweezel- I need to get an expensive elliptical that is rated for a lot of weight. Most the of the ones under $2k are rated for 250lbs. I bought one for $500 last year and it snapped in 2 from my weight because I was heavier than 250. I have a membership to a gym right now, but I only visit it when I'm not in school. I go to WSU 5 days a week and work at nights, then homework at night. It's hard right now to find the time.

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That makes me want to :puke:

Where's the National Association for NOT being a Lard-ass? There's nothing that pisses me off more than those "cart people" -- they drive to Walmart, circle the lot for 40 minutes to make sure they get the nearest spot to the entrance, walk to the door, then hop on an electric cart and ride their fat asses around the store, where, inevitably they end up in my way and take up time from my life (that I'll never get back) because of their fatness. The only saving grace is those electric carts have small baskets so they can't possibly fit that much food in the cart.

They should have "fat hours" in some of these stores -- like the 24 hour Walmarts, where from 10PM to 2AM they widen the aisles and let all the fatties go nuts. Kinda like the state has drunk driving hours from 2:30AM to 4:30AM every night. What?! That's not a real program!?

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Man that's crazy. I can understand circumstances that cause people to put on pounds or make it harder to cut weight, but damn just flat accepting it's ok to be 5' and 300lbs is disgusting.

We used to have patients come in all the time and complain about the doctor keep sending them for xrays (MRIs, CTs...). Basically it's the doctor getting them out of the office so they can stop hearing them bitch about their knees and back after telling them a hundreds times it's because they are too heavy and need to lose weight. They just won't believe it and/or aren't willing to do anything about it.

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Well some of the people who may use these carts may be overweight cause they can't walk to begin with.

My mom is close that with all the times she has fallen and broken something (which 99% of the time) She can't work out cause her bones and joints have deteriorated so much. But even though she is this bad, the only time she has used those carts was when her ankle was broken (8 weeks in a boot after walking on the ankle for 2 months before X-Rays) and did grocery shopping alone on day off.

Yeah some of them got to that state because they just don't care, or have given up (which I am not far from now) after 20+ years of being this way no matter what they do..

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That makes me want to :puke:

Where's the National Association for NOT being a Lard-ass? There's nothing that pisses me off more than those "cart people" -- they drive to Walmart, circle the lot for 40 minutes to make sure they get the nearest spot to the entrance, walk to the door, then hop on an electric cart and ride their fat asses around the store, where, inevitably they end up in my way and take up time from my life (that I'll never get back) because of their fatness. The only saving grace is those electric carts have small baskets so they can't possibly fit that much food in the cart.

They should have "fat hours" in some of these stores -- like the 24 hour Walmarts, where from 10PM to 2AM they widen the aisles and let all the fatties go nuts. Kinda like the state has drunk driving hours from 2:30AM to 4:30AM every night. What?! That's not a real program!?

I was bitching about this just the other day. Fat is not a handicap. Out grocery shopping I've seen some lard-ass park in handcap parking taking up the last spot just to have a guy with an older gentleman (dad and son maybe) that looked like he was at least 80 park out a bit further. The younger guy helped the older one out of the car and guided him and his WALKER across the lot. Lard ass? He hopped down out of big ass truck, meandered to a scooter that was left out and rode it in.

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Well some of the people who may use these carts may be overweight cause they can't walk to begin with.

My mom is close that with all the times she has fallen and broken something (which 99% of the time) She can't work out cause her bones and joints have deteriorated so much. But even though she is this bad, the only time she has used those carts was when her ankle was broken (8 weeks in a boot after walking on the ankle for 2 months before X-Rays) and did grocery shopping alone on day off.

Yeah some of them got to that state because they just don't care, or have given up (which I am not far from now) after 20+ years of being this way no matter what they do..

I think we can all agree there are definitely cases where the person can't help the state they are in. Any more though it seems to be the exception rather than the rule when you see someone in these carts.

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I was bitching about this just the other day. Fat is not a handicap. Out grocery shopping I've seen some lard-ass park in handcap parking taking up the last spot just to have a guy with an older gentleman (dad and son maybe) that looked like he was at least 80 park out a bit further. The younger guy helped the older one out of the car and guided him and his WALKER across the lot. Lard ass? He hopped down out of big ass truck, meandered to a scooter that was left out and rode it in.

Yeah that is total BS.

And yeah it probably is getting to the point were some who don't need the cart are using it.

Hell when parking I park in the back only cause I can't stand people who drive around looking for closer spot when I can park in a spot quickly and walk to the door before they find a spot. Generally I pick an aisle drive down it till I find an open spot then park no matter where it is.

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I think they should make all these activities a little harder for people, just so we DO get our daily exercise in. Buffets should be isolated by a 360º treadmill that is set at 5 mph (not fast, but not slow) so people actually have to want food bad enough to hustle and get it. Or put the buffets up a 100-step flight of stairs with down escalators only (so people don't spill food coming back down).

There are about 100 other crazy schemes I could come up with to incentive people to stay in shape. What about -- all prices of groceries are scaled by the calorie content multiplied by your weight vs. height? Fat people pay MUCH more for unhealthy food than in shape people, so they either eat less food or don't have money to do other things (which keeps them out of my way). Discuss amongst yourselves....

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I think they should make all these activities a little harder for people, just so we DO get our daily exercise in. Buffets should be isolated by a 360º treadmill that is set at 5 mph (not fast, but not slow) so people actually have to want food bad enough to hustle and get it. Or put the buffets up a 100-step flight of stairs with down escalators only (so people don't spill food coming back down).

There are about 100 other crazy schemes I could come up with to incentive people to stay in shape. What about -- all prices of groceries are scaled by the calorie content multiplied by your weight vs. height? Fat people pay MUCH more for unhealthy food than in shape people, so they either eat less food or don't have money to do other things (which keeps them out of my way). Discuss amongst yourselves....


so instead of putting the bananas on the scale, they'd put you on the scale! i like it!

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so instead of putting the bananas on the scale, they'd put you on the scale! i like it!

That would work, A scale for the Shopper to stand on as the Clerk checks them out.. It measures height from a sensor and weight.

If the ratio is a certain point it dictates what foods you can buy.

though this could play hectic with the actual dense bone, and musclar types.

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That would work, A scale for the Shopper to stand on as the Clerk checks them out.. It measures height from a sensor and weight.

If the ratio is a certain point it dictates what foods you can buy.

No, that would be discrimination. It would just dictate that a 5'2" 350lbs person would have to pay $150 for the box of twinkies, or they have the option of getting the $2 package of celery stalks instead.

Of course all this would have to be kept track of and the excess funds collected over the 'baseline' cost of food would have to go to funding schools, or health clubs, or some 'better / healthier' institution.

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No, that would be discrimination. It would just dictate that a 5'2" 350lbs person would have to pay $150 for the box of twinkies, or they have the option of getting the $2 package of celery stalks instead.

Of course all this would have to be kept track of and the excess funds collected over the 'baseline' cost of food would have to go to funding schools, or health clubs, or some 'better / healthier' institution.

It would still be discrimination either way (look at woman's fight for equal Salary similar premise), and an infringement on people's rights. So if we get the law passed to go control that right then why not make it absolute and just keep them from buying it period.

But then we have to throw in free trade acts and commerce related aspects...

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I see that people have a choice to maintain health. If they chose to reach a critical point in health that requires them a handicap permit, their parking space should be designated to the back of the lot. Make those guys walk to the store.

Like normal people being fined for parking in a handicap spot. Fat people should be fined for parking anywhere other than their designated place in the back of the lot.

This should apply to all individuals that have high risk of hear failure and BMI reaching serious obesity. I know several heavier people that are strong in health, and they would never consider applying for disability.

Ultimately, if you can run 100 yards under x time, you're healthy enough. Beyond that, park your fat ass in the back.

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