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Disappointment at range with 9MM


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I spent $500 on a Browning Hi-power that jammed all the time. Sold it. 2 years later bought a beautiful blued $700 Browning Hi-power that jammed all the time. I will never own one again.

Allow me to apologize for quoting my own unfinished thought. The drink made me do it. That being said... not to be a gun-snob dick, but if a real hi-power is prone to jamming, the replica is sure to be a problem. With guns, you really have to either watch out for poor quality, lower your threshold for failure, or stick with proven brands. Personally, a gun that doesn't go bang every time isn't worth the space in the safe. Glocks rule, M&PS drool!

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I cant trust it to go bang every time. I thought the issue was resolved after the replacement extractor. So now, either I take it to another person to make it right, or leave it in the safe. I was planning on possibly trading it off and wanted to have one last round with it before the Glock arrives. If it ain't right, I dont want to screwover the next buyer.

Edited by scottb
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I would check your extractor first. Remove the slide and place a dummy round or empty brass so that the extractor holds it like it would as if it were extracting a round. It should hold empty brass against the breech block portion of the slide without letting it fall. After that, I would look at the portion of the bore that supports the cartridge, see if it needs polishing. After that I would check magazine lips and spring. If all that checks out, hand it to a man who doesn't have spaghetti arms and see if it jams for him. Sorry, had to bust those chops a bit. If you want much much better advice open an account at gunandgame.net or com or whatever. The gurus at gun and game forums are awesome.

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I spent $500 on a Browning Hi-power that jammed all the time. Sold it. 2 years later bought a beautiful blued $700 Browning Hi-power that jammed all the time. I will never own one again.

Years ago I bought a Browning. Absolutely horrible trigger, I sometimes thought the safety was on. Traded it. Later bought another Browning (they feel really good in the hand). Same trigger, plus the front sight broke off in under 500 rounds! Never again a Browning.

A few years later I picked up a FEG for half the price of the Browning. Good reliable gun! I still have it.

Wilson Combat has a video on how to tune extractors. I would try changing the recoil spring. And maybe the magazine spring.

I've gotten used to fighting these problems, I bought a Kimber a couple of years ago. Never again...:mad:

Novaks will do a "reliability" tune on the gun for you. They have a great reputation....but costly...


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I should change my signature to FEG instead of Remington..

I think i will change the recoil spring and see what happens, and also see about the extractor "tune"

Judging by your picture, I'd guess weak extractor tension like the poster above mentioned. It's been ages since I've played with a Hi Power, but I think the extractor has a spring in the mechanism, so you should be able to put a Wolf extra power spring in there and be good to go if thats the issue.

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Pics of the casings!

is one side crushed flat? If so I know the problem and if it is doing it there is one fix for it and it is not what you already had done.

I did not save any casings, but they were not flat. If i remember correctly, there was a slight mark near the lip on the rim, on the one side, I assume from the extractor?

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there are a few hi power enthusiast forums. there is sure to be some hi power nutjob who will know exactly what is wrong, after a few paragraphs expounding why it is such a superior fire arm.

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Update time. Last week, I ordered few items direct from Browning. Got a new extractor spring, recoil spring and firing pin spring and some new roll pins.

I installed the parts and today went to the range. 200 rounds and no jams. I suspect the extractor spring was the issue. The extractor spring i removed was only half the lenght of the new spring.

So I still want a Glock 17.

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