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Starting Monday I will start


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Your argument is invalid.

Eating three time a day≠being a man.

Sorry go back to.watching the Oprah tv network.

Little confused here..... You combined 2 threads together. My post here was because I actually am interested in how this turns out so I m hoping he is starting today/tomorrow, just trying to egg him on.

Actually I eat 5 meals a day, 3 have whole foods 2 with shakes. Never said it had anything to do with being a man so no idea where that came from. And honestly, Oprah? Come on dude, think of something a little better next time.

Carwhore like I said, when I detox it's 24 hours prune juice and pedylite so I can only imagine what this will do with all basically liquid meals but still having the full nutrients included.

I wasn't hating, just trying to get you to get going lol. Should have hit Kroger's juicer like I said, Jack Lalane style.

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  • 4 months later...

I did a 7-day liquid diet years ago to purge my system before starting a new lifestyle ( which only lasted 1 year:D) but I managed to lose 125lbs and 16 inches off my waist in that time.

I was eating 8 or 9 times a day, but not "meals" - basically nothing but small portions of whole grains, moderate fruits, fish/chicken, and all the green vegetables I could tolerate, every couple hours just to keep the stomach grinding and metabolism kicking.

Mountain biking on & offroad about 2-3 hrs 4 days a wk, or a little PT when it rained.

Took Hydroxycut and GNC's Ripped Fuel in cycles of 8wks each with a 3 day break every other week.

The whole routine worked well, even long after I quit taking the supplements, but once my routine stopped due to snack cake inhalation habits:D its taken me less than 10 years to find 75% of that weight back - fuckin fail!

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It tired out good. I lost some weight. Don't remember how much now.

I live with my dad and he's anal about messes and stupid shit so having a lot of fruit on the counter bothered him. I will continue this later though.

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I gained 75lbs when I was sick for a few months a few years ago and took forever to lose the weight.

I actually did that same juicing diet after watching the documentary (started 12/21/11). There were many reasons but part of the reason I decided to lose weight was so I could get a motorcycle.

I used it as an intro diet into starting a low carb diet and it worked perfectly. I juiced for a week and lost 10lbs then started the low carb diet. The juicing helped a lot with ending the cravings for fatty foods. I bought a heavy bag and worked out 4 days a week as well until I lost enough weight to start jogging.

I started the diet at 285lbs and I'm now at 218lbs (I'm 6 foot tall)

Only two other people have seen this pic but here it is... The After pic I was 230lbs so I look average now. I think I'm going to go down to 190lbs until I stop. I feel great and I'm MUCH more active.


If I have one thing to say if you choose the low carb diet DO NOT be afraid to eat some whole grains if you're feeling weak. The idea is for you to feel better and look better. Eating other healthy foods still help you achieve your goal, low carb just makes it faster. I'll post an updated pic on this thread once I have some time. I've been working non stop since Monday.

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I gained 75lbs when I was sick for a few months a few years ago and took forever to lose the weight.

I actually did that same juicing diet after watching the documentary (started 12/21/11). There were many reasons but part of the reason I decided to lose weight was so I could get a motorcycle.

I used it as an intro diet into starting a low carb diet and it worked perfectly. I juiced for a week and lost 10lbs then started the low carb diet. The juicing helped a lot with ending the cravings for fatty foods. I bought a heavy bag and worked out 4 days a week as well until I lost enough weight to start jogging.

I started the diet at 285lbs and I'm now at 218lbs (I'm 6 foot tall)

Only two other people have seen this pic but here it is... The After pic I was 230lbs so I look average now. I think I'm going to go down to 190lbs until I stop. I feel great and I'm MUCH more active.

If I have one thing to say if you choose the low carb diet DO NOT be afraid to eat some whole grains if you're feeling weak. The idea is for you to feel better and look better. Eating other healthy foods still help you achieve your goal, low carb just makes it faster. I'll post an updated pic on this thread once I have some time. I've been working non stop since Monday.

That is awesome! Congrats!

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Congrats man! I need to do this again soon.

When I did do this diet. I loved it. At the beginning there was diarehea like they said. But after that everthing was great! Had TONS of energy. Didn't care to eat any fast food, it actually tasted bad.

I like the green juices the best. The stuff with garlic was pretty rough to choke down lol.

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Congrats man! I need to do this again soon.

When I did do this diet. I loved it. At the beginning there was diarehea like they said. But after that everthing was great! Had TONS of energy. Didn't care to eat any fast food, it actually tasted bad.

I like the green juices the best. The stuff with garlic was pretty rough to choke down lol.

Yeah I really love the low carb diet and the juicing diet. It's a very unique feeling when you pump your body full of nutrients from 5lbs of vegetables at once. You feel like you could run a marathon and it puts you in a great mood.

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  • 8 months later...

I had a friend give me a heads up about a juicer from Aldi ($35), so we picked one up. I don't intend to do a juice cleanse or juice fast, but I realize that if the veggies aren't hidden in my dish, I rarely eat any. We tried a green one tonight:

½ lemon

6 kale leaves

2 green apples

4 celery stalks

I didn't hate it, but I probably won't purposely make it again.

I think I need more fruits, it needs to be sweeter for me.

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I drank that green one a lot when I was one this diet.

When I first started to drink it i didn't care for it, but continued and I actually like drinking it.

Good luck if you plan on doing this diet. It was challenging. I gave up and lost 50lbs the old school way. Exercise!

If you mix this into your diet you will feel better

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yeah, the plan is just to do it as something extra to get more natural vitamins and feel better, more energy and whatnot. I'm trying to get a more balanced diet. I really don't see myself having the willpower to do a full juice fast. Cheese would ruin it for me...

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