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Starting Monday I will start


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Finally started jogging again at the gym, I don't consider a 10min mile running, but can do that pretty easy on a 3 incline.  Doing that and high incline brisk walking and I've noticed way more energy, and about to drop a belt hole, so that's good.  Also started eating 2-3 smaller meals at work vs. 1 big lunch, helps a ton I think.


I did however just drop about 5 lbs in the bathroom, ground turkey nachos last night with a full avocado handled me. 

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I haven't posted in here in awhile... Fell out of gym habits back in May, Steph got real sick and we stopped going for a couple weeks and never got back into it... Changed up our diet (nothing fancy - cut most of the pop and fast food and working on portion control) and started walking the dogs before and after work... My overall progress has been nice, but I still have a long way to go... I hate going to the gym, I need to find a hobby or something... I was up to 318 but I hit my lowest today at 276 so I'm down 42lbs... Been about 6 months... Very slow progress, but progress none the less... I started drinking 64oz of water each day now like recommended (before, I'd have an energy drink and nurse it for 9hrs at work and then some water before bed) and that's helped a lot too

Edited by Steve Butters
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I haven't posted in here in awhile... Fell out of gym habits back in May, Steph got real sick and we stopped going for a couple weeks and never got back into it... Changed up our diet (nothing fancy - cut most of the pop and fast food and working on portion control) and started walking the dogs before and after work... My overall progress has been nice, but I still have a long way to go... I hate going to the gym, I need to find a hobby or something... I was up to 318 but I hit my lowest today at 276 so I'm down 42lbs... Been about 6 months... Very slow progress, but progress none the less... I started drinking 64oz of water each day now like recommended (before, I'd have an energy drink and nurse it for 9hrs at work and then some water before bed) and that's helped a lot too

Good Job!!!

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198 today. Down 32 lbs in 38 days.  Down 6" from my gut.  Feels awesome.  I only got one good run in this week, but lots of other cardio.  Trying for a 12:45 / Mile and a half on Monday (3/1/15).


I am excited for my next milestone <190(hopefully 2 or 3 weeks).  In the past my weight has fluctuated a TON, but I have not been below 190lbs in 10+ years.  I am actually looking forward to how healthy I will be able to get during my year deployed.

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198 today. Down 32 lbs in 38 days.  Down 6" from my gut.  Feels awesome.  I only got one good run in this week, but lots of other cardio.  Trying for a 12:45 / Mile and a half on Monday (3/1/15).


I am excited for my next milestone <190(hopefully 2 or 3 weeks).  In the past my weight has fluctuated a TON, but I have not been below 190lbs in 10+ years.  I am actually looking forward to how healthy I will be able to get during my year deployed.

Thats getting it done brother!  Congrats!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

:D Down to 187.  43lbs lost in 59 days.  My run time is 1.5 miles in 12:41.  Surprisingly my push-ups/sit-ups are weaker than I like...about 45 each in 1 minute.  So I am working harder on those.


As other juice fasters have experienced, I am nervous about eating foods again.  It will require good decision making vs the no-brainer of mandatory juices.


1 week to go, before I reintroduce solid fruits and veggies.

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That's a heck of a lot to lose in the span of 2 months, good job! Keep an eye out for gall stones though.


Figured I would weigh in on this thread too since I've been doing some "get healthy" kinds of things over the last 10 months as well. Currently I'm down about 70lbs overall, averaging a bit under 10lbs a month taking things slow and steady. I haven't started into working out yet, the majority of my progress has been just through diet changes (keeping track of calorie intake). I will be starting up this weekend with the whole gym thing as I just got my free universal membership from my work's health plan in the mail this past week, this should accelerate things a good bit... I plan to be down another 20-30lbs by mid to late June.


My overall goal is to be at around 240-260 range which for me is another 60-80lbs. I'll probably do a monthly post here just to help track progress. Feel free to kick my ass on here if I stall out!

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