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Different kind of battery


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No offense, but unless you are a hard core racer, there are a TON of better upgrades to do to your bike than a lighter battery. The charge time is cool, the starting idea is cool, too. But, when it is all said and done, you probably aren't a common winter rider and you hopefully are maintaining your battery well enough to not worry about charge issues...

I think batteries are going to start moving to Lithium in stock bikes soon, but until then, that money is easily better used on something that is going to net a better result...

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I've been looking at those the price is a bit steep but if it's going to last twice as long it's not so bad. I'm getting about due for a new battery so I will probably be ordering one in the spring. The weight savings might help me pick up a mph or two in the land speed runs.

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my battery is 9 years old. I never do anything to it other than ride.

Bingo. Lightweight batteries are great for that "edge" when racing, but outside that, I can get several years on an OEM battery. Hell, most race guys aren't doing these in majority unless they are getting them for free...

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